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ofdma subchannel allocation In ofdma what is meant by minimum number of subcarriers to be allocated to the users ... 22 Oct 2009 10:44
cognitive radio hi if anyone has any codes on spectrum sensing for matlab plz send it because i cant find anything <ehabelc(a)> ... 6 Nov 2009 02:41
Push Button to Open New Figure with Controls Hello Every one, I am new user in MATLAB. I need to know that what code should I write to Open new Figure with Some UNI CONTROLS on it. So, we can have One Figure having One PUSH BUTTON, when this button is pressed the new Figure with UNICONTROLS will open. Regards. ... 22 Oct 2009 11:51
GUI, show the current point in the graph hi guys, In GUI, how to show the co-ordinate of the current point which is the position of the mouse in the graph? Thanks in advance. ... 22 Oct 2009 11:51
Problem with java socket creation in jtcp Hi there I get the following error message when I tried to run jtcp ??? Java exception occurred: Accept timed out at Method) at Source) at So... 22 Oct 2009 07:25
Unable to simulate a Fuzzy control set I have built a control set with the integrated fuzzy gui. I then layed out a simulink scheme: a simple feedback loop. (at the moment i can't upload images) I use a signal generator (square wave) a sum the fuzzy block a gain (still at 1) a scope Once i hit run all sorts of errors come out: source unknown "in... 22 Oct 2009 07:25
to read mp3 file hi, i used the following code as given on net... function [Y,FS,NBITS,encoding_info,tag_info,out] = mp3read(FILE) %MP3READ Read MP3 (".mp3") sound file. % Y = MP3READ(FILE) reads a MP3 file specified by the string FILE, % returning the sampled data in Y. Amplitude values are in the range [-1,+1]. % % ... 22 Oct 2009 07:25
Date vector - Datenum Hi all, I am trying to create a vector with all the hours from 1/1/2004 00:00 to 1/1/2009 00:00. I have used datenum and linspace but the hours are shifted by few seconds. What to do? Is there an error in datenum or why is datenum(2004, 31,12,0,0,0)-datenum(2004,1,1,0,0,0) ans = 923 and d... 22 Oct 2009 08:31
Overlay text detection in video Hi.. I am interested in doing project on detecting overlay text in video. So plz some one help me in doing this. Mail ID:sathya.wish(a) ... 12 Nov 2009 00:42
biograph/view Hi, I have been working with biograph, and have a question regarding the visualization of the biograph object. I use the hierarchal layout, and view the object. Sometimes, when I use view I get more of a vertical spread network, while at other times I get more of a horizontal spread network. I could not find any inf... 22 Oct 2009 05:15 |