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Multi-color line plot Hello! I'm trying to create a line plot (depth over time for an autonomous submersible) that changes color in relation to another variable (water salinity). Essentially x versus y, having the color of the line at that point change in relation to another value z. I searched the internet and help files but all i coul... 21 Oct 2009 11:29
FDD to FSDD Hi Ruchika I'm starting to create a FDD code. Is your code supposed to work as it is wirtten below...I just had a lool on line 6 already "x" is missing.. "Ruchika " <xian1986(a)> wrote in message <gpbmq1$bct$1(a)>... Dear All, I am working on creating a matlab code for Frequen... 21 Oct 2009 11:29
c -> Matlab Hello, I had the same problem, the solution was to include a parameter to the compiler as follows: g++ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/matlab/bin/glnx86 be sure to use your own matlab path. this will tell the compiler to load all the libraries from the specified path. good luck! alex "JAmes Bradley" <jamesbradley2... 21 Oct 2009 09:16
Transformation Euler angles to UTM co ordinates Hi, Will any one have any way to project Euler angles (from an AHRS) to UTM/ECEF co ordinates?.. Thanks Nherakkol ... 21 Oct 2009 08:11
M-FSK Modulator Baseband block in simulink Hi I want to do 2-FSK modulation of a binary sequence (generated using Bernoulli Binary Generator) using M-FSK Modulator Baseband block in simulink and view its constellation diagram but i m not getting the desired result. Can anyone help? Thanks Ahsan ... 21 Oct 2009 03:48
how to remove an Image Acquisition Toolbox adaptor? If I register an adaptor with the image acquisition toolbox, then I will not be able to register another adaptor with the same name. I am writing my own adaptor and I need to test it. I don't want to give a new name for the same adaptor everytime. So, how do I unstall an adaptor in Matlab? ... 26 Oct 2009 09:55
actxGetRunningServer with multiple Excels I'm able to use actxGetRunningServer to connect to the current Excel application. But how to do I connect to a specific Excel application if I have more than one open? Is there a way to query to see how many are open? Cheers, Robert ... 20 Oct 2009 17:52
Read excel cell fill color from matlab? Here's the basic code that would be required. h = actxserver('Excel.Application') h.Visible = 1 b = h.Workbooks.Add w = b.Worksheets.Add; get(w.Range('A1').Interior); This example is somewhat boring because you're creating the worksheet from scratch, so you know that the color is already, but what you're look... 20 Oct 2009 17:52
Printing problems with Snow Leopard I am unable to print figures to my USB connected printer. However, I am able to print files from the Matlab m-file editor without problems. The problem only occurs when trying to print Matlab-generated figures from the Matlab figure editor. The printer is a Canon MP620 Series, and it is connected to my iMac via USB. ... 26 Oct 2009 14:25
newff in MATLAB 2008a Hi, everyone: I'm studing BP network. Usage of 'newff' functions is updated, however, traditional usage is also done. But they cannot get the same results. And I find that the result of traditional usage is better than new one. For example: ----------------------------------------------------- P = [0 1 2 3 4... 20 Oct 2009 19:00 |