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Symbolic processing of Legendre polynomials Hello everyone, I have been writing a code to do Legendre-Gauss Quadrature. In order to get the weights and the roots, I need to solve Legendre polynomials. The problem I am having is that after n = 6, the system produces some answers with a very small imaginary component. For n >= 7, the system does not produce ... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
Matlab - comsol Bonjour, J'espère bien que vous pouvez m'aider. Je modélise expérimentalement la migration des particules fluidisés à travers un empilent de gravier, en parallèle j'ai modélisé ce problème en 1D sur Comsol. Mon problème maintenant est de chercher comment caler les résultats expérimentales et numériques, problème... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
hydraulic valve modelling "Dennis Belleter" <d.j.w.belleter(a)> wrote in message <ho8bgh$hrl$1(a)>... I'm trying to model a proportional hydraulic valve with a pressure reducing and a pressure relieving action in Simulink or Simscape. Since this is quite a difficult task I was wondering if there were some people w... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
can i make it without global variables? Hi all. I try to estimate parameters by fitting data to model. I have this functions: _______________________________________________ function [sse param]=cox_model_fit(t,dy,param,conc0) dyy=cox_cyt_dis_dt(t,param,start); sse=norm(dyy-dy) _______________________________________________ function [dy]=cox_cyt_d... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
Kalman Estimator Structure Hi, I want to control the two wheel nxt inverted pendulum robot using state-space controller. The state-space model of the robot has 6 states (YawAngle, YawAngluarVel, PitchAngle, PitchAngluarVel, WheelAngle, WheelAngluarVel), 2 inputs (LeftMotrorVoltage, RightMotroVoltage), 3 outputs (WheelAngle, Pitch... 29 Apr 2010 07:51
How to add a picture in the GUI? Hello I have designed a simple GUI for my control systen with the GUI-guide. And now I want to add a symbol of my school in the GUI, how to do this? thanks a lot! ... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
Sorting Data I am having a problem plotting data, it seems that the data I want to use isn't sorted. I have 2 columns of data; y,T. I can load the data file into Matlab but is there a way i can sort the data based on y? It is crucial that the y(1) stays with T(1) and so forth. thanks MT ... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
why does my s-function run so slowly? hello, I am designing a control system(AODC) for a satellite, and have written some s-function(level-1 m_file) for my mdl. Though my control law can be simulated in Simulink and is not complex at all, the speed of simulation is very slow. I plan to do some experiments by xPC-Target, so I must write tlc file als... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
Illegal System DLL Relocation Hi all, I have installed new copy of MATLAB R2010a at windows xp SP3. but when I try to run MATLAB.exe it gives me this error. "The system DLL user32.dll was relocated in memory.The application will not run properly.The relocation occurred because the DLL Dynamically Allocated Memory occupied an address range reser... 8 May 2010 09:00
Extracting string data from variable I have a variable which contains strings separated by comma : H = 'Hello,we,are,united'; I want to extract each word which is comma separated in the above variable and store them in a separate variable e.g. a1 = 'Hello'; a2 ='we'; .. .. a4 = 'united' I have tried sscanf but without any success. Is there... 23 Apr 2010 20:58 |