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Image Processing of a Black and White Image
I have a Black and White image in which i would like to create a boundary box around a specific part. In order to do this i need to somehow identify this region which has a large L shape around the data. ( The image is a 2D data matrix barcode) I wish to identify this L shape and draw a boundary box around the whole... 1 May 2010 14:17
Windows 7 Home Premium vs. Windows 7 Professional (using MATLAB R2007a or R2007b)
I am planning to purchase a Laptop computer and must decide whether to order it with Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Professional. (I now use R2007a in Debian Linux. I have the package for R2007b but haven’t installed it.) My questions are: Does MATLAB R2007a (and/or R2007b) work on Windows 7 Home Premium?... 28 Apr 2010 09:27
Cart and pendulum with SimMechanics
Hi, I am trying to model a cart and pendulum system with SimMechanics. My system is pretty much set up as in figure 5 in this document The only difference is that I have exchanged spring-damper with an actuator to move the cart back and forth. My pro... 24 Apr 2010 17:14
Choosing sample time in simulink given a discrete conversion
Hello I have a continuous system G which I have converted to discrete time using the c2d method, zero order hold and sample time of 60 secs. This new system is Gz. My question is that now I want to simulate Gz with a controller in simulink and I was wondering if I need to set the simulink sample time to 60 secs also... 24 Apr 2010 16:07
Generation of i.i.d gaussian random process
Hi all, Could any one help me out in generating gaussian random process using Matlab. I know that gaussian random variable can be generated using "randn", but how to generate a gaussian random process. Is it the same thing. And after generating a i.i.d gaussain random process i need to show it's spectrum is white.... 25 Apr 2010 00:54
QAM simulink model HELP
"Kamran Khan" <kimji4u(a)> wrote in message <f9ga4o$htl$1(a)>... Hello All, One answer which i got is that in simulink deals with baseband representation of the signals so no need to change for 2.4 Ghz. Also i have successfully implemented 16QAM with effect of ... 24 Apr 2010 16:07
Problem with updating strings in listbox
Hi Matlab users I have a GUI with a listbox and some checkbuttons. I used the checkbuttons to update the strings in the listbox. When I do not have marked the first string in the listbox and try to update the listbox I get the error: Warning: single-selection listbox control requires that Value be an integer wi... 24 Apr 2010 17:14
Ordered computation of eigenvalues from good initial estimates,
James Waldby <no(a)> wrote in message <hqv09k$vmu$2(a)>... Actually, cost of sorting should be trivial, on both (1) a practical basis and (2) a relative-cost basis. (1): For example, my 2GHz machine takes about 150 microseconds to sort an array of 500 doubles. (2): Given an ... 24 Apr 2010 15:00
help in maketform function
i want to make my own tform struct from the transformation 3 *3 matrix [a b tx ; -b a ty ; 0 0 1] that can be used in imtransform function to transform the image how can i do it ?? ... 26 Apr 2010 10:14
fsolve - how to add constraints
Is it possible to add constraints like x >= 0 to fsolve function? I didn't find any information on this matter in help. ... 26 Apr 2010 03:41
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