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Figure out image filter frequency in cycles/ph?
Hi All, I've done some basic image filtering in the frequency domain (High Pass and Low Pass) as part of a course project, following the methods outlined in the book Digital Image Processing Using Matlab (DIPUM). I would like to be able to desribe the filters in terms of their cutoff frequency in cycles per pict... 29 Apr 2010 00:13
poisson distribution
I not am using the latest matlab because i don't have it. my matlab does not have the Poisson generator function like the new matlab. can someone give me the coding of the Poisson distribution that equals to Poisson distribution (i.e: A = poissrnd(lambda,n,m)). I am really desperate, please someone help me out. tq ... 29 Apr 2010 01:19
Low frequency filter
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to Matlab and only know a few basic commands. At the moment however I have some wave data retrieved from pressure sensors at 4minute bursts over 24hours that has a 50second basin scale oscillation. I need to filter out the long wave period data using a low frequency filter set at 10 secon... 28 Apr 2010 21:58
online ANFIS training
Hey Ali, did you solve your problem? I'm stuck on the same... as im sure are many others cheers "ali " <ali.jafariaan(a)> wrote in message <h9er64$3ln$1(a)>... "ali " <ali.jafariaan(a)> wrote in message <h9eq63$6a$1(a)>... nikku singh <singhnikku06(a)gmail... 28 Apr 2010 19:43
Figure Invisiblity when publishing
Hi All, Is there any way of making figures invisible but visible when published on a doc. I have tried publish('title.m','doc') but it doesn't work. Thanks in advance. ... 28 Apr 2010 19:43
GUI: rotate image
Hi all, I want to select two points in an to rotate the image by rotating the line formed by the two points in a vertical direction (90°) maintaining fixed the 1st point and just move the 2nd one??? Is it possible to do it inside a GUI??? Thank you in advance... ... 29 Apr 2010 15:47
PCI_QUAD04 random spikes in reading
Hi, I have a PCI-Quad04 hooked up to an encoder. The encoder is turned about the 0 point all the time (it never makes a complete revolutation). I would occasionally get a spike in the encoder reading (either bringing count to 2^16 -1, or some smaller values say 300). But I know that it is an error in the encoder... 28 Apr 2010 19:43
ButtonDownFcn doesnot work with imshow()
HI, I am working on a GUI. What I want to do is to click the image and display some text on that location in the image; The ButtonDownFcn does not work with imshow command The same code works if I replace imshow with imagesc command. The code is given below. i=imread('cameraman.tif'); handles.input=im2double(i... 28 Apr 2010 19:43
Changing Default Stream within Simulink for generating random numbers
In Matlab, I am able to change the default stream to create a different sequence of random numbers. I would like to do the same thing in Simulink. Lets say I have a simple Time-Based Entity Generator where I do not want to change the random seed. However, I would like to change the default stream for the random gene... 29 Apr 2010 12:23
parameter standard deviations & Out of Memory
I'm reading in data that is 10,000 points long. I then select a certain section of the data...say 8500 points. I fit an exponential to this data using fminsearch which works great. Finally, I need to calulate the error of the fit which brings us to the Jacobian, the Covariance matrix and the standard error. COV3=... 3 May 2010 13:08
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