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Return digits of a number as a list
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message Also, that's the correct *exact* answer using all the bits ... were you implying otherwise? James Tursa I was implying that (IMO), the OP was looking for something else. Perhaps I misunderstood what you were trying to do. I... 30 Apr 2010 02:55
the code with the book :A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming
who can tell me, where can we find the code in the CD-Rom with the book:A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming=== and, whether anyone can send me the code My email: sryang86(a) ... 30 Apr 2010 06:11
reading files with fields
i have 2 types of files, each with different number of fields. i wanna read the whole line in each file and put it in a struct. i want that the process of struct building will be dynamic - i'm reading the fields name and this will be the struct fields [tree, RootName, DOMnode]=xml_read(''); % read... 30 Apr 2010 01:51
Return digits of a number as a list
"Matt Fig" <spamanon(a)> wrote in message <hrdki9$1pe$1(a)>... chardigits(3452.99) ans = 3452989999999999781721271574497222900390625 Also, that's the correct *exact* answer using all the bits ... were you implying otherwise? James Tursa ... 30 Apr 2010 01:51
mex using Intel Visual Fortran 11.0
Hi I am trying to mex my fortran file using Intel Visual Fortran 11.0 integrated with Visual Stduio 2008. After using "mex -setup", fortran compiler is not show at all. I find " compilers/R2010a/index.html#n2" lists supported fortran compiler is version 11.1. How to compil... 2 May 2010 21:57
simple problem
i have a problem suppose i have a=.3 b=.4 c=2 now i need to sort out the highest value in the form of a,b or c, i am very new to programing(matlab) every time i used "sort[]" function it gives the numerical output, but I need the character, can somebody help me to do the job ... 1 May 2010 00:04
Finding items in a three layer structure
Say there is an item in a struct, for example tree(1).branch.leaf = 'gold' I want to find all the leaves that are equal to the string, 'gold' Doing it with 2 layer structures is easy. If tree(1).branch = 'gold' then I could just do find(strcmp({tree.branch},'gold')); But it doesn't work for a third layer. If you... 30 Apr 2010 00:46
Return digits of a number as a list
James, chardigits(3452.99) ans = 3452989999999999781721271574497222900390625 Also, you did show that my function, based on dpb's suggestion, should operate on abs(N) instead of N. Also, unrelated, NUM2STREXACT failed to compile with BCC55 on my system. It worked with gcc. ... 30 Apr 2010 00:46
Need help for Finding clustering efficiency
i have done the image segmentation using fuzzy c means clustering.I need help for finding the clustering efficiency in image segmentation ... 30 Apr 2010 00:46
Return digits of a number as a list
"AS" <as(a)> wrote in message <hrd6np$bol$1(a)>... Hi All, I'm wondering if there is a way to return the digits of a number (up to a certain length) as a list. For example: 3.14159 -> [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9] 10214.245 -> [1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 5] Mathematica has a fu... 30 Apr 2010 00:46
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