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different size of vectors
Hi, how can i add different size of vectors in the same matrix??? e.g. x = ones(1,5); y= ones(1,6); z= ones(1,4); the required matrix: mat=[x; y; z]; I appreciate any help ... 27 Apr 2010 17:55
Retaining precision after subtraction
I've a simple question: I have a script that calculates a p-value, which is often a tiny number (i.e. 1e-80). I need the script to return the 1-p value but retain the precision. When I try to do this, matlab always returns 1 for p-values below 1e-15. Can anyone tell me how to retain the precision of the calculati... 27 Apr 2010 17:55
i need the model of PMSG
Hi, I need the matlab model of the permenet magnet sysnchronous generator (PMSG). pleas send me at ghyounes3(a) ... 27 Apr 2010 17:55
Detecting Forward/Backward vs Lateral movement from a Continuous
ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <397ad22a-6038-4c74-b455-50cf779e77bd(a)>... Don: I thought you said that you could do optical flow. That, to me, seems the way to go (if it's fast enough for you - might have to operate on a reduced resolution image to g... 27 Apr 2010 16:47
Continuous Acquisition with NI M-Series cards after HwDigital
Hi, I am trying to continuously acquire analog data using the Data Acquisition Toolbox (2.15) under Windows 7 (32-bit) after a 'HwDigital' Trigger is provided to one of the digital inputs of a NI 6254 DAQ card (M-Series). To this end, I set SamplesPerTrigger to 'inf'. In contrast to the case of a 'Manual' or 'Imme... 27 Apr 2010 16:47
Specgram in Simulink
i am trying to implement the function that i used to compute the specgram in the matlab code:- r =specgram(ref,512,384,hann(512),256); into the Simulink Blocks and i want to know what is the equivelent bolcks i must use that do the same function as this line of code . Please Help Me with information about the... 8 May 2010 19:59
IMAQ getsnapshot
I am currently attempting to acquire an image from a webcam using the Image acquisition toolbox in Matlab R2009b. My code is: vid=videoinput('winvideo',1); % preview(vid); pause(10); data=getsnapshot(vid); imagesc(data); The pause exists because otherwise I get a timeout error. The problem now is that... 27 Apr 2010 22:25
Discriminant analysis
I've got an m x m array. I want to apply Fisher discriminant analysis to it - the LDA in MatLab's stats toolbox isn't the Fisher one so I used the version provided by the supplementary toolbox stprtool package. How do I run my program? I don't really understan... 28 Apr 2010 16:18
Problem fitting svensson model by using lsqcurvefit
Im trying to fit the svensson model to yield curve data. First, i defined the function to be calibrated (6 parametes): function F = calsvensson(x,xdata) F = x(1)+(x(2)*(1-exp(-xdata/x(5)))*(x(5)/xdata))+(x(3)*((x(5)/xdata)*(1-exp(-xdata/x(5)))-exp(-xdata/x(5))))+(x(4)*((x(6)/xdata)*(1-exp(-xdata/x(6)))-exp(-xd... 30 Apr 2010 12:50
Socket Programming using C++ in Matlab
I have a C++ code for doing the socket programming. I need to know how to compile the C++ file in Matlab. In the help file I came across the need for converting that as a mex file. I tried to execute the sample .cpp files given as examples but I keep getting the error "Matlabroot\R2008A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: 'mexcpp.cpp' ... 27 Apr 2010 19:03
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