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Printing matlab figures changes the position of annotation
Hi I am having problems printing matlab figures because the location of annotation gets changed. To illustrate this please run the small script at the end of this message. The problem I want to solve is - the eps output should resemble the figure being displayed on the screen. Unfortunately this is not the case. ... 6 May 2010 13:03
Problem deleting imrect
Hi all, I have a hard time in deleting the rectangle created using imrect function. Problem is I have two button one to create rectangles (4 or more) & place in the interested position as required. Second Button, (Delete), Choose the required rect to delete and delete. Please help me.. Thanks, Deepu ... 6 May 2010 10:46
How can I group a number by 1 2 or 4 ?
The subject of this post did not state what I want to do in matlab. I can give an example that what I am looking for. Ex x=12345678 I want to group by 2 x=[12 34 56 78] group by 4 x=[1234 5678] group by 1 x=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] If you would give me an solution like an example I will be glad. Thanks for h... 6 May 2010 14:14
How to indicate current direction in simpowersystems
I measure current RMS value with a current block+RMs module, but it do not indicate current direction. Please explain how to measure, what block could I use to measure current direction in Simpower systems. ... 7 May 2010 05:38
Read Emails from Outlook
Is it possilbe to read Emails/ Attachments using Outlook com server? (e = actxserver ('Outlook.Application')) Thanks, Tal ... 6 May 2010 10:45
Need matlabcode for EBCOT and WDR
I had analysed SPIHT and EZW algorithms in my project. I want to analyse WDR and EBCOT algorithms. I am just analysing the performance of various compression algorithms to find the best one. "us " <us(a)> wrote in message <hp9iet$b2e$1(a)>... "sutha jeba" <sutha_me(a)> wr... 6 May 2010 10:45
What a hell is wrong with logical indexing??? Really???
People, check this out. I always thought I could treat 0-1 resulting from the logical operations as numbers. But apparently not. Why? It is completely unintuitive and dangerous. Can somebody give me a meaning of the following example? a = rand(100,1); i = a<0.5; i = i.^2; i(i==0) = 2; unique(i) ans = ... 7 May 2010 07:48
recursion expression in matlab
hi all, say, i have the following recursion: E(s) = d^2/(3d-2) + (3d-3)/(3d-2) E(s-1) E(0) = 0 If I want to find E(10) i need to expend recursion which will be a sum or series. Can you suggest is it possible to implement such thing in matlab? Thank you. ... 11 May 2010 22:19
Regarding bursts Detection in data
"Ravi Rastogi" <raviras(a)> wrote in message <hrs61p$mjp$1(a)>... Hi guys, In my 1D data for my application i need to determine the start and stop time of the bursts. currently i am using using 'ginput' to manually select the points of changes. Here is what i am doing: %Loadi... 6 May 2010 10:45
How to reduce a matrix subject to a common value within it?
Assuming I have a matrix such as Index Val1 Val2 Val3 a = [1 2 5 4 1 0 2 6 1 2 1 2 2 5 4 7 2 12 0 1 3 4 7 5 3 1 ... 6 May 2010 10:45
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