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i'm doing sketch based search...what i have done is to rangefilt the image so that the edges get prominent then take std value of the works when when ur sketch is of same size as that of the have any better ideas how sketch based search can be this user searches the images based on th... 5 May 2010 13:46
pid tuning
I want to tune a loop (temperature, flow, level, pressure). How can i generate an model from my experimental data to determine time constant, delay, process gain and after that to simulate and tune the pid controller. My data was gathered with pid controller in manual so I get the controller output(MV or CO), and proce... 10 May 2010 12:04
nonlinear constraint input argument
Hi, Should a nonlinear constraint function of an optimization function, such as fmincon, have only one input argument. I ran into an error as I was trying to add more input arguments in the "confun" function in the first example of Of ... 5 May 2010 13:46
plotting question
Hello, I have a question, Im wondering how can I make nicer the next figure: xval1=1:4; xval2=5:9; X1=[1 2^2 3^2 4^2]; X2=[17 18 18.2 18.3 18.4 ]; plot(xval1,X1) hold on plot(xval2,X2) plot(xval5,X2+1,'r') plot(xval5,X2-1,'r') What I want is to plot some kind of a shadow from the last point of X1, 4^2, w... 5 May 2010 12:38
Regarding bursts Detection in data
Hi guys, In my 1D data for my application i need to determine the start and stop time of the bursts. currently i am using using 'ginput' to manually select the points of changes. Here is what i am doing: %Loading the Data load DX.mat load DY.mat %Determining the starting and stopping points of Bursts, figur... 5 May 2010 12:38
Acoustic Based Surveillance System - sound sampling window size
Hi I'm doing my masters in the subject described above in real time. It is supposed to track people and sounds inside a room. I've never worked with sound processing so I'm having some doubts. In my project i will work with 8 microphones. I've read many papers about the subject and i will use the GCC-PHAT to do it.The ... 5 May 2010 12:38
IFFT code
hi; I want a code on matlab IFFT which allows me to convert in data frequency in temporal domain, my job is to make measurements in the mines after obtaining these data (the coefficients S21) I need a code IFFT for it transforms in a temporal domain to obtain the propagation parameters such as delay spread, delay, me... 5 May 2010 16:01
uimenu accelerator doesn't respond initially
I have a problem with uimenu and the use of accelerator. It doesn't seem to want to work initially. However, after I manually select the menu at least once using the mouse, I find the accelerator button then starts working. Sample Code: uimenu(X,'Label','Add Row','Accelerator','a','Callback',@add_row_callback); ... 5 May 2010 12:38
R2009b Visual Studio 2008 / Win7 x64
"David Izhaky" <david(a)> wrote in message <he3og0$8au$1(a)>... I installed Visual Studio 2008 Express in my Win7 x64 and cannot get the compiler to compile a mex file. I tried all suggestions here and other places, and still it does not work. I also installed the trial version of Visual... 9 Jun 2010 15:19
calculating 95-percentile for a non-Gaussian distribution
Hello all, Is it possible to calculate 95-percentile of a non-Gaussian distribution without having to define its exact distribution? thank you very much, naimead ... 5 May 2010 13:46
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