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importdata function behavior changed w/r/t Excel dates I have just noticed that the behavior of IMPORTDATA on my (I thought) stable old install of MATLAB R2007a on Windows XP has changed: but it is more extreme than what you describe, and it has occurred only just as of the past 30 days or so! In my case, x = importdata('fwyf1h1991.txt'); with a text file format... 6 May 2010 15:22
MathWorks Webinar: Embedded Software Verification for IEC 61508 or ISO 26262- May 11th Register now for the 9am EDT session: Register now for the 2pm EDT session: "Embedded Software Verification for IEC 61508 or ISO 26262"- Free Webinar- 5/11/10 IEC 61508 or ISO 26262 certification for embedded software describes certain aspects of safety related to code ... 6 May 2010 13:03
matlab gui hii i'm new to matlab gui and i wanted to know how can i present in axes (gui) only part of the image ... 6 May 2010 13:03
imcrop I = imread('circuit.tif'); I2 = imcrop(I,[75 68 130 112]); imview(I), imview(I2) instead of mentioning these integers i want to mention ratios ... like i want to crop 0.1*rows ... nw when i m mentioning number of rows, it is cropping, but when i m using rows .. its giving this error At compilation "rows" was de... 7 May 2010 18:57
AutoCad Matlab Hi, I'm having some troubles in plotting my project... I was wondering if there was a way to export autocad files (just simple figures like pipes, wheel etc.) and plot them in matlab... on the contrary I think it'll be hard to plot them using matlab. anyone knows how to do it? ... 6 May 2010 13:03
PLOT file.m in GUI Hi, I'm working on a project... it's the motion of an aircraft wing landing gear. I've just finished the script, and I managed to have a 3d plot iwith an animation (a FOR cicle). I'd also like to write a GUI which allows me, with severals buttons, to rotate, zoom and to go back and forward with animation to see the dif... 6 May 2010 11:54
Spline Fitting with Constraints I have a problem, I'm looking to fit a spline to data points that increases non-uniformly in X as Y increases. However, want to constrain the fitted curve to have either a gradient greater than or equal to zero over the entire range of Y. Any suggestions? ... 6 May 2010 13:03
finding the knee of the trade-off curve or space I was wondering if there were a matlab or another routine/algorithm available to find the knee location in the tradeoff space. I couldn't find anything readily in a web-search, but find it hard to believe considering that this is such a common way of obtaining meaningful solution from an inversion. Thanks. -tiku... 7 May 2010 01:19
isimage? Is there any built in function that would test input data to verify it is an image, and if not converts it using mat2gray. If not, does anybody have any suggestion as to how it could be accomoplished? Thank you ... 6 May 2010 23:08 |