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Fitting a plane
Hello All, I am trying to fit a plane using a set of (X,Y, Z ) co-ordinates.I am relatively new to matlab can anyone suggest me how to go ahead with the same? ... 20 May 2010 16:06
how to get special details from a picture
Hello, Well when i use iminfo('picture.bmp'),it shows me evrything (all details) ! But since i want to display special details on my interface about the picture: as size,BitDepth and ColorType . Thank you all. ... 21 May 2010 10:35
Lower Triangle for a matirx
I have lower triangle data for my matrix : V 1 .000000000000000E+00 V 2 .000000000000000E+00 V 3 .226602567955182E-04 V 4 .000000000000000E+00 V 5 .217013459933256E-04 V 6 .214709892952333E-04 V 7 .000000000000000E+00 V 8 .109994820796852E-04 V 9 ... 20 May 2010 18:18
Labeling ROIs on image
Hey everyone, I have a program that does interactive selection of ROIs, using the imroi class. One thing I'm trying to do is label the ROIs on the image, directly below the ROI box. For whatever reason, I can't find anything to do this in a straightforward way. There is an annotation function, but it takes arg... 20 May 2010 16:06
reshape a matrix (can I use reshape or reshapec?)
Perhaps permute(A,[2 1 3]) will do what you need. ... 20 May 2010 14:59
where are the documents for com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils
Hi, I was looking at the documentation for xmlwrite ( It mentions docNode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument... ('root_element') I wonder where the methods in com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils are documented. I can't find it any... 20 May 2010 14:59
Dotted line between points while using ginput?
Hello, While collecting two points on an image using ginput(2) is it possible to display a dotted line between the first point and the moving crosshairs? This application is similar to imline, but the crosshairs and line are too thick in imline. Thanks for any help, Kevin ... 20 May 2010 13:52
A NEW xlsread issue for Mac
Perhaps not "new"...but one that maybe isn't talked about as much. In other words, yes, I know there is some limited functionality with the Excel functions on Mac/Unix machines. However, I've run into a curious thing though for all you Mac users... I loaded an Excel file that contained both text and numbers. Be... 20 May 2010 23:45
Poisson (Distribution) Parameter
I am VERY new to Matlab, but need to work with the Poisson Distribution. I have read about the 'poisspdf' function, but I need to vary the parameter, lambda. Lambda is defined at lambda = n*p, but Matlab seems to use a fixed value or uses the Random Number Generator to determine lambda. Ultimately, I need the user... 20 May 2010 13:52
Convert Nested Loops to arrayfun call
Hi, I'm interested in trying to re-write the following code using the arrayfun function: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Create dummy data pressure = 1:5; alt = repmat([0.5;1;1.5;3;4],[1 5 5 15]); alt = permute(alt,[3 2 1 4]); surf_alt = rand(5,5).*5; surf_press = zeros(5,5,15); ... 20 May 2010 13:52
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