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writing cell containing text and matrix to a text file Is there a way to write a cell containing text and numerical matrix to a text file? I have the following: values = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; cellA={'nameA', values};%this is the cell containing the text and matrix cellA = 'name' [1x10 double] So that the text file row would look something like: ... 21 May 2010 16:07
Legacy Code Tool Data Type Checking I recently upgraded to 2009a from 2007a. The legacy_code tool sfun generator now adds much data type checking that wasn't done before. For example see the code snippet below for one element of my data structure. The resultant files for my "large" model went from ~2 MB to ~20 MB and the legacy code generation time... 21 May 2010 16:07
filter proposed by mallat - invariant function hi, i want implement a affine invariant function with this formula: Fi,j(t)=Wix(t)Wjy(t)-Wiy(t)Wjx(t) where i is not equal j and Wix(t) is wavelet transform of signal x(t) for a certain dyadic scale level i. i use matlab toolbox with this code: function d=w(signal,level) [c,s] = wavedec(signal,level,'db1'); d... 21 May 2010 16:07
Solving maxmin problems using the optimization toolbox Can the Matlab Optimization toolbox be used to solve maxmin problems? I know the functions fminimax and fgoalattain are conceptually similar in that they solve the minimax problem so can either be implemented to solve maxmin problem? Thanks in advance for your consideration. ... 24 May 2010 15:41
Special crop of a binary image I have a BINARY image which I must CROP following some conditions. I want to cover my image COLUMN BY COLUMN and EACH column from BOTTOM to TOP ------------------------------ In other words, my loops will look like that: for jj = 1:size(I,2) for ii = size(I,1):-1:1 ------------------------------ I cover EACH... 21 May 2010 17:13
Solving maxmin problems using the optimization toolbox Can the Matlab optimization toolbox be used to solve maxmin problems? I know the functions fminimax and fgoalattain are conceptually close (ie they solve the minimax problem) so can they be implemented in a way that solves the related maxmin problem? Thanks in advance for your consideration. ... 21 May 2010 16:07
Trying To Understand The kstest2() Script Thanks in advance for your help. I am looking at the script of the kstest2() function of the statistics toolbox (by using "type kstest2") as I want to understand how it is working. Line 126 has the following: binEdges = [-inf ; sort([x1;x2]) ; inf]; I tried executing this line of code on the command line a... 21 May 2010 15:00
Trying To Understand The kstest2() Script Thanks in advance for your help. I am looking at the script of the kstest2() function of the statistics toolbox (by using "type kstest2") as I want to understand how it is working. Line 126 has the following: binEdges = [-inf ; sort([x1;x2]) ; inf]; I tried executing this line of code on the command line a... 21 May 2010 16:07
DWT watermarking embedding and extraction Can someone please help me to debug the code below, I need to use it as soon as possible: thresh=0.5; alpha =0.01; % read in the cover object file_name='_lena_std_bw.bmp'; cover_object=double(imread('C:\Users\Guest\Desktop\baby.bmp')); % determine size of watermarked image Mc=size(cover_object,1); %Height... 23 May 2010 23:23 |