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How to convert a string in a variable? Hi Everybody, I am new in MatLab and I have already checked previous posts without success. Here is my question: I have two column vectors, one with string values, which are even the names of the parameters of a function I have to use later, the other one with integer values, which are the values of the parameters. ... 21 May 2010 06:12
Convert comma separated string to cellarray Hi Matlab users I have a string like: string=['test1', 'test2','test3'] I want to convert the string to a cellarray: cellarray={'test1', 'test2','test3'} Best Regards Jens ... 21 May 2010 09:29
qhull of a sphere Hi Imageanalyst; I partly solved this problem but not as I expected on the first idea. I wished to extract stack images into a 4D volume. The dimensions being the usual ones for Matlab (x,y,z,v). Here, v could have the value of 0 or 1 to defines a domain (sphere or not), and this matrice could be repeated to define... 21 May 2010 06:12
Polyfit and polyval doesn.t work for order greater than 9 Hello, i try solving a problem with the matlab script "polyfit". It has the order 11. Polyfit calculates the polynom and his factos, if i plot the polynom with "polyval" the graph is correct, but if i try to write the poylnom as an equation it doesn´t work. p = 1.0e+011 *[ -0.0001 0.0015 -0.0146 0.... 21 May 2010 07:18
3D Graph Or spectrogram Hi I needed to plot the spectrogram of the tau_gate, frequency, and the Power. I have tried to get that but with fail. I even asked the same question in a previous thread but I was pointed the wrong direction. Really need help. Thanks in advance. CODE: Fs=800; t = -20:1/Fs:20; %Carrier Sine Wave lambda... 21 May 2010 04:04
Matlab program to solve wave equation up to linear system of equations New in matlab, Need help please in making a matlab program to solve the wave equation below up to the point when you obtain a system of equations. solve the wave equation below up to the system of equation using Finite difference method utt = c^2 uxx, ut(x,0) = 3sin((pi x)/9) , u(x,0) = 0, U(0,t) = U(4,t) = 0, hx =... 21 May 2010 10:35
Check for angle = 0 between vectors I have possibly a very simple question. I have a vector a(x,y,z)(between P and P1), and a vector b(x1,y1,z1)(between P1 and P2). How do I check in Matlab that the two vectors are in line with each other? So that the angle between the vectors is zero. ... 21 May 2010 10:35 Wholesale Cheap NFL Jerseys,NHL Jerseys,MLB Jerseys Our Company Wholesale and Retail: MLB jerseys: NFL Jerseys,NHL Jerseys,NBA Jerseys,Soccer Jerseys,NCAA Jerseys; Baltimore Orioles jerseys, Arizona Diamondbacks jerseys, Boston Red Sox jerseys, Atlanta Braves jerseys, Chicago White Sox jerseys, Chicago Cubs jerseys, Cleveland Indians jer... 21 May 2010 04:04
back-forward subsititution for a sparse complex matrix equation Hi all, I am trying to implement back and forward substitution for a sparse complex matrix equation. Unfortunately, MATLAB does not have an internal routine for this job. cs_ltsolve and cs_lsolve of SuiteSparse do not seem to support sparse complex matriices. Could you suggest any other libraries to handle this prob... 21 May 2010 02:59
imagesc -- how to specify fixed color range Hi, I have several matrix with numbers and would like to display and compare them using imagesc command. Everytime I change the matrix the colormap change according to the range of value (maximum and minimum) of each matrix. Is it possible to fix the color map range using some command line? Thank you very m... 21 May 2010 00:50 |