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Cleaning cells Dear All, I'm sure this is really easy, but it's driving me nuts. I can't find a way of replacing the NaNs in a cell array like c = {'geasgeas', NaN, 1, 'feafea'}; with blanks, i.e. with {''}. My first attempt was to use cellfun(@isnan, c, 'Uni', 0) as an index, but unfortunately this expression interroga... 26 May 2010 12:27
different matrix operations on columns without loops Hello All two parts to the query: 1. if I have a cellarray of say 1 x 500 which we will call B, and in each cell is a cell matrix of nx1 numbers (n is likely different for each column) call these B_i, and I have a double matrix 1 x 500 called A, containing a different number for each element. I would like to calc... 26 May 2010 10:14
How can I put independent figures as subplots Hi! If I have figure 2 : 6 let's say, if I want to put them into a new figure as subplots, what should I do? Is there any way to capture a figure as a struct variable or sth and then replot it inside a subplot? I found a relevant thread, suggesting this solution: ax1 = get(fig1, 'CurrentAxes') ; ax2 = subplot(2,... 18 Jun 2010 05:52
Matrix element to Matrix element-range mutiplication Greetings to you all! I have two matrices: Matrix_W=[P,N] Matrix_X=[4*P,N] I want to perform a multiplication between the [i,j]-th elements of W and the [4*i-3 : 4*i , j]-th ranges of elements of X. and end up with a [4*P,N] matrix. I there a way to quickly perform such an operation without having to endu... 26 May 2010 10:14
Psychtoolbox Invalid MEX error I just installed Psychtoolbox-3 and when I tried to open a window using the screen command I got the following error Invalid MEX-file 'C:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox\PsychBasic\MatlabWindowsFilesR2007a\Screen.mexw32': This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling t... 27 May 2010 23:37
Help with Neural Network "HusNos HusNos" <husnos(a)> wrote in message <h84777$bj3$1(a)>... Hello everyone, I want to use a neural network with multidimensional input data. That is each sample is a tuple of values. So the training set becomes a 3-dimensional matrix. Is this possible with NN toolbox? thank... 26 May 2010 08:03
interrupt a loop Hi, I have a big loop however at some point I would like to stop the loop, look at the results till that moment and continue again from where I interrupted it. For example a loop that will go to 100000 iteration, however it is in 5000 now and I would like to look at the results till 5000. iteration? Is it possible?... 26 May 2010 08:03
erreur de chargement de librairie .dll bonjour, j'essaye de charger une librairie dynamique (.dll) pour interfacer matlab avec un logiciel de calcul mécanique, ce logiciel est livré avec tous les fichiers .dll et .h pour l'interfacage avec matlab ainsi qu'un exemple que j'ai tester mais je n'arrive pas à le faire marcher, apparemment j'ai une erreur dans l... 26 May 2010 06:57
Position of plotbox Does anyone know how to find the coordinates of the plotbox for a Matlab figure? It doesn't seem to be the 'position' or 'outerposition' property of the axis. There is a 'plotboxaspectratio' property, but not a 'plotboxposition'? The following code shows what I mean. I would like to put the button on the ed... 26 May 2010 11:20
extracting points from smoothened curve in cftool into matlab workspace hello everyone, using cftool i have smoothened a i want to get a fixed number of points(say equally spaced) from the output curve(the smoothened one) into matlab can this be done? praveen ... 26 May 2010 05:53 |