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C-s-function using lapack on xpc-target
Hello, i created a simulink model, incorporating a c-s-function. inside, i'm calling the nonlinear least-squares-solver levmar, which in turn depends on lapack. for simulation, i integrated the pre-compiled win32-libraries of clapack from the simulation runs fine, so i now i want to run the model on a ... 27 May 2010 05:58
[xx,yy] = meshgrid([0:0.05:5],... [0:0.05:2]); u and v is 2d matrix (velocity x and y component) % Plot the computed values: I want to plot streamlines. I read the help but it does not went to mind. Explain me. ... 27 May 2010 07:04
Making all columns add up to 1 in a sparse matrix
Hi, I'm trying to emulate a Page Rank matrix in which all the columns must add up to one (not "be normalized") ie function [A] = MatrixGenerator(Size) A = sprand(Size,Size,0.5); A(A ~= 0) = 1; end Is the code I've got to create a random nxn matrix with random 1s and 0s. I wish to add up all the elements... 27 May 2010 07:04
Out of Memory Error in fedora 11
Hi All, When I'm allocating 1088092 * 300 matrix. I'm getting "Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options." error. i.e size of my matrix is 1088092 * 300 * 8 = 2.6114e+09. How can I increase the maximum size of the matrix that I can allocate in matlab..? My system config is Matlab version :- V... 27 May 2010 12:36
'SC' function: RGB to Data
I am using 'SC' function and when I am using the 'data cursor' I get the RGB values. How can I get 'data values' instead as in 'imagesc' function? ... 27 May 2010 07:04
HI!!! i´m using svmtrain to classify in groups, but i dont know how to find w and b parameters in the hiperplane formula. taking the fisheriris example, can someone help me? thank you. ... 27 May 2010 11:29
different behavior when using matlab compiled dll
Hi, I have a problem when using matlab compiled dll with mcc compiler. The result is different when using the same m file from matlab command line, and from c++ i.e using the compiled dll. In my situation the function fmnicon gives different number of iterations and different minimal values, when it is executed fr... 27 May 2010 04:53
maximum gradient difference
Hi to all, Please help me to find implementation of maximum gradient difference for the following concept in matlab.. Let F(x, y) be the given gray color image, g(x,y) be the laplacian image obtained by convolving laplacian mask [1 1 1;1 -8 1;1 1 1] with f(x,y), and W(x, y) be the local window centered at (x,y) of si... 27 May 2010 03:49
optimization subject to more than one nonlinear constraints
These comments and the documentation don't seem to refer to gradients in the nonlinear constraints. I got multiple nonlinear constraints to work, but the gradients don't seem to (they do in the one variable case). For instance I have defined a vector x with five elements and I have two nonlinear constraints. When I set... 27 May 2010 09:15
Need Matlab code for Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization
Hello everyone, Please can anybody give me matlab code for Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm? It is better if i get code which is using Lagrangian Multiplier in the above mentioned algorithm. Please help me. ... 27 May 2010 04:53
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