The tracking database on <> is not available... Hi all I have setup a brand new exch 2003 sp 2 server. I have moved a mailbox from a existing exchange server for some tests. I can send/receive internally and externally fine. (the old server is still up and runing with all the mailboxes on there). When i go to the message tracking on the newly setup serv... 8 Jan 2009 02:40
Second Stroage Group Issues A couple of weeks ago we had a catastrophic power failure and unfortunately I hadn't gotten the new UPS software up and running. My newly installed copy of Exchange 2007 seems to be having problems. It's running on Server 2008 x64. I am getting ESE events 9518,454,492,413, and 485 to start out with, but I am sur... 6 Jan 2009 16:38
Exchange 2007 Queue My environment is as follows. 2 HUB Transport Servers, Backend Mail Cluster using CCR. I have noticed over the past several days that mail seems to queue while being delivered to the mailbox Cluster. I run the Command get-queue -SortOrder:-MessageCount -Results:1 | fl Output as follows Identity : ... 6 Jan 2009 16:38
Exchange doesnt start up after a exh logg deletion It appears you didn't exclude the Exchange directories from antivirus scanning, a must when you install a file-based antivirus program on an Exchange server, and it corrupted Exchange. There are no good solutions to this, I'm afraid to have to tell you. You have a few options, none of them good. 1. Restor... 29 Dec 2008 09:51
ActiveSync help I used to receive this error every few days: Event Type: Error Event Source: Server ActiveSync Event Category: None Event ID: 3014 Date: 12/22/2008 Time: 5:16:37 PM User: domain\user Computer: mailserver Description: The Exchange mailbox Server: [] has reached its timeout threshold. The ma... 23 Dec 2008 00:10
Exchange 2007 Delegation of permissions Hello all I need to grant the helpdesk group the rights to modify all recipient information for all users in a parent OU and all sub OU's of the parent. There is a script (configuresplitperms.ps1) that will grant the proper rights that the helpdesk staff needs. I ran ..\ConfigureSplitPerms.ps1 -user "kbbl... 17 Dec 2008 22:46
IMCEAMAILTO addresses?? Running Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2003. Over the last month or so we've been having problems with not receiving mail from a couple of different domains. We noticed the problem because we'd have one person receive an email where another one was copied on it and one of the two wouldn't receive it. Looking at the ... 17 Dec 2008 15:38
Public Folder Alias problem.. Exchange 2k7 Hello, OK, I have several HUNDRED public folders... Almost every one of them has a space in the Alias. This is wrecking havoc on my new Exchange 2007 server. Is there a quick (script) fix to remove/replace the space with say an underscore or something? Troy ... 16 Dec 2008 11:26
The Exchange server address list service failed to respond... "The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error." Exchange Server 2007 and leap year day Feb 29 2008... Published Friday, February 29, 2008 4:33 PM by Exchang... 11 Dec 2008 08:58
Modifying Bidirectional E2K7-E2K RGCs I'm having trouble modifying RGCs using the set-RoutingGroupConnector cmdlet. When I type "set-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity RGC1 -Cost 50" I get an error saying "The operation could not be performed because 'RGC1' matches multiple entries." I imagine this is because RGC1 is a bidirectional routing group co... 9 Dec 2008 09:32 |