How does internal messaes delivered? Hi all, exchange 2003 envir. How do internal messages deliver? (one user send email to another user inside organization) certianly, they will not use SMTP connetor, right? Can anyone help? Thank you. ... 22 Feb 2010 13:01
Big problem with 2010 upgrade help needed Hi Guys, Had a bit of an issue on Friday. Installed an Exchange 2010 server in a domain with 2003. No issues, all went well. Well, it suddenly died on us (2003 server). No worries, all the mailboxes have been moved but there is a ton of legacy stuff in AD it seems. I am getting all sorts of wonderful errors ... 21 Feb 2010 09:17
Public Folder Replication I am unable to connect to Exchange 2007 using PFDAVAdmin. I was able to in the past, but now cannot. When I attempt to connect , I receive the error, " An error occured while trying to establish a connection to the Exchange server. be sure that port 443 (for SSL) or port 80 (for non-ssl) can be reached. If... 22 Feb 2010 11:52 Kit completo de Solenoides ( solenoid ) + chicotePara Cambio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 88652 Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solenoides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit contem: 5 solenoides 2 Epc ( solenoides de pressao ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 ate hoje com o cambio automatico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 22:13 Kit completo deSolenóides ( solenoid ) + chicote Para Câmbio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 35782 Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solen�ides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit cont�m: 5 solen�ides 2 Epc ( solenoides de press�o ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 at� hoje com o cambio autom�tico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 21:07
reinstall sp2 for exchange 2007 Hello all I seem to be missing a cdo.dll file on my exchange 2007 sp2 mailbox server. The server already has sp2 installed, but I want to reinstall it, are there any issues with reinstalling sp2 for exchange 2007 on the mailbox role? and do I also have to reinstall sp2 on the CAS and HT servers as well? Th... 20 Feb 2010 20:14
Exchange 2003 - 2 internal domains via 2 smarthosts Hi, I have an Exchange 2003 server with two e-mail domains, outbounds mails from these domains needs to be forwarded via different connectors. I am trying to set up the connectors so that outbound emails for domain A route via Smarthost A and outbound emails for domain B route via Smarthost B. I cannot see... 20 Feb 2010 20:14
Is this possible? Hi all, exchnage 2003 sp2/outlook 2003 since we can not set any limit on the message size, most internal users send large size attachment each other. some times, it will cause our mail server queued up and delay messages delivery. Just wonder is there a way to set size on the internal messages (inside o... 1 Mar 2010 12:34
auditing WE have enabled message auditing in our Exch2007SP2 environment. Apparently, Domain Admins is excluded from auditing. Is there any way to enable this for this group? ... 18 Feb 2010 18:30
DAG Did you ever find a solution? url: ... 18 Feb 2010 16:16 |