From: Mark Hobley on
I am using Debian iceape (a derivative of mozilla-browser). As I visit
certain websites, I get a pop dialogue box appearing as follows:

Default Plugin

This page contains information of a type (application/x-shockwave-flash) that
can only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in.

Click OK to download Plugin.


I have disabled plugins in the browser using the following entries in the
/etc/iceape/pref/base.js configuration file:

// Get rid of plugin warning dialog
lockPref("plugin.default_plugin_disabled", false);

// Disable addons
lockPref("xpinstall.enabled", false);

The browser shows that these settings have taken effect in about:config which
contains the following information:

plugin.default_plugin_disabled locked boolean false
xpinstall.enabled;false locked boolean false

How do I stop the dialogue boxes from appearing?

My browser version is: iceape version 2.0.1 (taken from Debian sid/unstable).

Mark Hobley
Linux User: #370818