From: Graham. on

"divoch" <divoch(a)> wrote in message news:zg_un.381286$2R.286047(a)newsfe11.ams2...
> "Steve Terry" <gfourwwk(a)> wrote in message news:hpgcrf$rb$1(a)
>> "Jeremy Porteous" <REMOVEjeremyporteousTHIS(a)> wrote in message news:hpgca6$cs0s$1(a)
>>> "Steve Terry" <gfourwwk(a)> wrote in message news:hpe1rm$vp4$1(a)
>>>> If you do get your Skype Nokia app to work regularly, something to
>>>> play with is Free Ring2Skype which gives you a landline number and
>>>> 3 digit extension for people to dial to get to your Skype
>>> Sounds like a great idea, if it worked...
>>> UK London number - callers get "All circuits are busy now", other end hangs up without allowing you to enter an extension
>> That's why i went for a 0161 Manchester number i figured there'd be less demand
>> So far works fine
> After adding to my Skype contact list my Prague number seems to work OK. The problem is that the request to dial
> extension is made in English . i.e. it is not tailored to the location of the number. I wonder if the caller has to wait for an
> announcement to end or can dial extension straight away.
> divoch

You can dial it as soon as the call is answered.
You can include the extention number in your phone book after a pause ie.
This will work with all mobile phones, and many non mobile ones too.
You might need more than one "p".

