From: Michael Moser on
Reed Rinn - MVP Shell / User wrote:
> Michael,
> If you run the TruePrint application in Control Panel, does it report
> that the sensor is "Ready to Scan Finger"? If you swipe your finger
> at that point, does your finger print show up in the window?

Yes, it nicely shows my fingerlines, if I swipe my finger over the
sensor. The applet also displays some sensor information, namely the
chip version number and status: "Read to Scan Finger". And one can use
it to enable cursor or scroll control. As mentioned, both modes work
fine, if enabled. So - as mentioned - the fingerprint reader is
definitely alive and kicking!

> I'm also aware of a problem that can occur if OmniPass is removed
> without doing a complete uninstall and then re-installed. This can
> result in a corrupt installation. How did you originally uninstall
> OmniPass?

Well, I have done, what I would call a "normal uninstall" (i.e. via the
ControlPanel => Programs and Features => selecting OmniPass and hitting

> I'll also pass this along to other developers and support people at
> Motion to see if there is a known issue and solution.

As already mentioned in my answer to Chris: I *have* contacted Motion's
support but found the suggested solution a bit lacking. I am a person
who tries to *fix* things rather than immediately reinstalling (I don't
want to slash all the time that went into configuring the system the way
I like it...).


From: Reed on

Thanks for your responses. I work for Motion and will research this
further. Please contact me at rrinnNO(a) if you don't
get this resolved.

-Reed Rinn
MVP Desktop

"Michael Moser" <michael-nospam.moser(a)> wrote in message
> Reed Rinn - MVP Shell / User wrote:
>> Michael,
>> If you run the TruePrint application in Control Panel, does it report
>> that the sensor is "Ready to Scan Finger"? If you swipe your finger
>> at that point, does your finger print show up in the window?
> Yes, it nicely shows my fingerlines, if I swipe my finger over the sensor.
> The applet also displays some sensor information, namely the chip version
> number and status: "Read to Scan Finger". And one can use it to enable
> cursor or scroll control. As mentioned, both modes work fine, if enabled.
> So - as mentioned - the fingerprint reader is definitely alive and
> kicking!
>> I'm also aware of a problem that can occur if OmniPass is removed
>> without doing a complete uninstall and then re-installed. This can
>> result in a corrupt installation. How did you originally uninstall
>> OmniPass?
> Well, I have done, what I would call a "normal uninstall" (i.e. via the
> ControlPanel => Programs and Features => selecting OmniPass and hitting
> "uninstall").
>> I'll also pass this along to other developers and support people at
>> Motion to see if there is a known issue and solution.
> As already mentioned in my answer to Chris: I *have* contacted Motion's
> support but found the suggested solution a bit lacking. I am a person who
> tries to *fix* things rather than immediately reinstalling (I don't want
> to slash all the time that went into configuring the system the way I like
> it...).
> Michael

From: Michael Moser on
Reed wrote:
> Michael,
> Thanks for your responses. I work for Motion and will research this
> further. Please contact me at rrinnNO(a) if you
> don't get this resolved.
> Thanks,
> -Reed Rinn
> MVP Desktop

Hi Reed,
thanks a lot for taking this up! I really appreciate it.

I strongly believe, that there must be some *detectable* reason, why the
OmniPass SW is not "seeing" that device. And once we found out, why,
then - I'm sure - it will be possible to fix this without need to
re-install the entire machine...

I mean: there are only a few possible reasons, why it is not seeing it:
either it expects somethings that isn't there (some (registry-)entry, an
API(-version), some description, or such) or it is there but it is
already occupied or blocked by "something" (what could that possibly be?
What other SW could hijack the fingerprint device???). The only other
reason I can imagine is, that it is not *allowed* to see it (i.e. the OS
blocks access for some reason or due to some policy). The latter is
probably the fuzziest but IMHO also the most unlikely, since I haven't
changed anything in that respect, since when it worked.

If we only knew WHAT it is expecting to see, that would already be a
large step forward...


From: Michael Moser on
Eureka - I did it! See, sometimes a friendly response is enough to
stimulate new energies. ;-)

I decided to give this another clean slate attempt but this time a
REALLY CLEAN slate and to try again one more time:

What I did was to de-install OmniPass again. Then I rebooted and then I
started to repeatedly iterate through the entire registry and removed
each and every entry that contained "Omnipass", "Softex",
"Fingerprint(-Sensor)", "Authentec", "ATSwp" and "ATSC70".

Only then - after a few more reboots and tests - I reinstalled OmniPass
(which includes the Authentec stuff) and - voila - the beast is up and
running again.

That whole attempt was of course quite tedious (>2.5 hours) and required
some care, but it was doable! So, if SW companies would provide
de-installers that do a better job in cleaning up behind them and
installers that are a bit more robust so they can fend off problems
stemming from already existing stuff, the world would be a better


From: Reed Rinn - MVP Shell / User on

Thanks for the update. I'm glad you were able to resolve your problem with

I will report this back to Softex, our software vendor for OmniPass.

-Reed Rinn
MVP Desktop

"Michael Moser" <michael-nospam.moser(a)> wrote in message
> Eureka - I did it! See, sometimes a friendly response is enough to
> stimulate new energies. ;-)
> I decided to give this another clean slate attempt but this time a REALLY
> CLEAN slate and to try again one more time:
> What I did was to de-install OmniPass again. Then I rebooted and then I
> started to repeatedly iterate through the entire registry and removed each
> and every entry that contained "Omnipass", "Softex",
> "Fingerprint(-Sensor)", "Authentec", "ATSwp" and "ATSC70".
> Only then - after a few more reboots and tests - I reinstalled OmniPass
> (which includes the Authentec stuff) and - voila - the beast is up and
> running again.
> That whole attempt was of course quite tedious (>2.5 hours) and required
> some care, but it was doable! So, if SW companies would provide
> de-installers that do a better job in cleaning up behind them and
> installers that are a bit more robust so they can fend off problems
> stemming from already existing stuff, the world would be a better place...
> Cheers,
> Michael
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