From: Peggy on
On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 01:13:52 -0500, Ron May <mayron(a)>

>On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 00:45:25 -0500, Ron May <mayron(a)>
>> On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 14:57:02 +1000, Peggy <me(a)> wrote:
>> > On Sun, 06 Sep 2009 14:51:16 -0500, Ron May <mayron(a)>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > >Use this thread to discuss whatever you think is relevant to the
>> > >subject line. I will monitor this and other PL2009 threads through
>> > >Google Groups so I don't miss any posts.
>> >
>> > I would like to nominate Forte Free Agent version 1.93,
>> > however I can't find a download link for this version.
>> >
>> > I have not used the Free version - version 3. So I dont think that I
>> > should nominate something I haven't used!
>> I found one, but I can't vouch for whether it's legit or not:
>Forget that link. The MD5 checksum is bad.
> a487ff5f5682ac6e4345048d3cfd2eb8
>I checked it against my personal archive that I got from Forte in 2002
>for a32en193.exe. That MD5 is:
> bc39a90a1eed06b318bffb52e738df7d
>I found another link here with the *good* checksum:
>I don't know the pedigree of that site either, but the MD5 matches.

Thank you for your help with this Ron

Peggy Gee
From: Ron May on
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 09:07:47 +1000, Peggy <me(a)> wrote:

> Thank you for your help with this Ron

You're welcome, but I think the link s|b provided was even better:

You have to drill down some to get to it, but here:

you'll find the second file, a32en193.exe, is what you're looking for.
There are later versions as well. I believe 3.3 was the last that
defaulted to a free application after the trial period. Starting with
4.0, Agent stops working after the trial period. IIRC, you can still
access what you downloaded, but you can't go online until/unless you
upgrade to the $ware version.

Ron M.
Help improve the ACF experience. Please don't feed the trolls.
New to the group? Check out
and try to ignore the threads that aren't freeware related.
From: Ron May on
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 03:11:54 +0200, Yrrah
<Yrrah-acf2009(a)newprovider.invalid> wrote:

> Ron May <mayron(a)>:
> > I will monitor this and other PL2009 threads through
> > Google Groups so I don't miss any posts.
> A guarantee to miss posts afaik.
> Yrrah

The problem is in wearing two hats, Yrrah. Reading this NG as an
individual, I do it from behind filters. Acting as a volunteer "point
person" is a little different. That hat requires reading all opinions
in the "official" threads. I still primarily download and read the
bulk of the messages in the normal way, but I also check google groups
online in the [PL] threads only. Example:

I hit the "sort by date" in the left pane. I keep track of the last
message I read via GG, and any new posts appear at the bottom. If
need be, I can look at "Show original" and port any message I want to
keep into my regular newsreader by usingf the Message-ID.

To paraphrase a line from the movie "Speed", that seats me in the fair
but not stupid section. <g>

Ron M.
Help improve the ACF experience. Please don't feed the trolls.
New to the group? Check out
and try to ignore the threads that aren't freeware related.
From: Jim S on
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 22:04:35 +0200, Yrrah wrote:

> Ron May <mayron(a)>:
>> Use this thread to discuss whatever you think is relevant to the
>> subject line. I will monitor this and other PL2009 threads through
>> Google Groups so I don't miss any posts.
> I think the whole thing should be called off. There are too many
> nominations from people we have not seen here before / various sock
> puppets.
> Yrrah

I'm with you.
After several years, I haven't bothered this time.
Jim S
Tyneside UK
From: Susan Bugher on
Yrrah wrote:
> Ron May <mayron(a)>:

>> Use this thread to discuss whatever you think is relevant to the
>> subject line. I will monitor this and other PL2009 threads through
>> Google Groups so I don't miss any posts.
> I think the whole thing should be called off. There are too many
> nominations from people we have not seen here before / various sock
> puppets.

FWIW. . .

I just skimmed down Ron May's last post listing programs, nominators and
seconders. Most of the names and nicknames looked familiar. I don't know
if any of the names or nicknames were forgeries but IIRC many of the
programs have had MORE than one second. IOW I don't believe your
objection is valid and I don't agree with your proposed remedy.


If you object to the NOMINATION of a program you can/should post your
objections for discussion and ask that the program be removed or placed
on a ware ballot.

In earlier PL selection processes concerns about "ballot stuffing" have
been handled by checking BALLOTS after the VOTE.

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