From: Doum on
"BobS" <PackerIntl(a)> �crivait

> This actually applies to Windows Servers as well as Windows XP. As
> happens, as updates are downloaded and applied, the size of the
> Windows folder continues to grow with $NtUninstallKB..... files and a
> folder $hf_mig$.
> I generally delete the $NtUninstallKB... folders after awhile, but is
> it safe to delete old KB folders in the $hf_mig$ folder. Is there a
> setting somewhere that will purge things here as space is needed?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bob Showalter, Packer International

I have 217 $NtUnistallKBxxxxxx folders in my Windows folder and they take
just above 640 MB of space.

Are you that limited in space? if so maybe it's time to consider replacing
your HD.

I don't want to spam, I put that link just as an example, there are other
places and the prices are about the same.