Does Ath*ism have a future? NO! ___________________________________________ the Death of Ath*ism ********************************* DEATH TRAP ********************************** THE REAL QUESTION: DOES ATHEISM HAVE A FUTURE? AND THE ANSWER - NO! Atheists, GET OUT OF MY UNIVERSE ... 12 Apr 2010 09:12
Electrochemistry cut off experiments and absurdity of modern science?. sorin wrote: [...] One can't help but admire the vast lack of awareness which is required to say modern science is 'absurd' while communicating the screed with technology based entirely in - say it with me - 'modern science'. ... 11 Apr 2010 02:38
Electrochemistry cut off experiments and absurdity of modern scienceā¦. Electrochemistry cut off experiments and absurdity of modern scienceĀ . Due to a lot of advantages, mainly the low cost of materials and simplicity of design, electrochemistry is becoming a preferred field for new proposed cut off experiments. The first cut off experiment relates a battery for which both electrod... 11 Apr 2010 06:53
quasars and pulsars buenno schrieb: the fossil records of relativity always we dont know, when it comes the significant really tricky questions kinda evolution theory of relativity, they will answer everything, except significant question take this Quasars are a... 10 Apr 2010 14:37
Papa bozo defeated by simple algebra? <paparios(a)> wrote in message news:1f92c9ac-cb75-44cb-a857-2fe7bc5d6ddc(a) On 8 abr, 21:59, Ste <ste_ro...(a)> wrote: On 8 Apr, 14:53, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote: It's not about "faith over evidence". The evidence is meaningless withou... 9 Apr 2010 11:10
Solutions to Schutz 2nd editions excercises Hi all. I'm Peter from Italy. I'm new in this forum and I'm writing because I'm studying general relativity as a self-student so without possibility to follow a college course. I think the Schutz is a very good book also because there is a lot of exercises. The problem is that the second edition of this book is not... 9 Apr 2010 01:16
Running a race with Relativity The Olympic runner cannot say that while he was running the race he was still and the Earth did it. And you cannot make walls move by moving yourself toward a wall. All of this means relativity is wrong. Mitch Raemsch ... 9 Apr 2010 14:31
If the speed limit can speed up in the future space travel can go faster If C can slow down in speed and gravity strength it could speed up in metric in the future. This new light speed for Gamma means we can travel faster safer. In the end we will branch out into the galaxy with better space travel. We might have to wait billions of years but it will happen. Mitch Raemsch ... 7 Apr 2010 20:19
website hackings All my domains got hacked at the end of February. It was quite an elegant ".htaccess" redirect hack. Someone managed to break in and put conditional .htaccess redirection files onto every server directory that belonged to a domain root -- If you browsed a site directly or scanned it with a malware sitechecker, y... 14 Apr 2010 09:55 |