Exactly why the theories of relativity are complete nonsense- the basic mistake exposed! Marshall wrote: [... measuring the speed of sound from a moving source] Get a pair of microphones, some long cords for them, and a laptop with stereo microphone in. Go set up near a train track, with the microphones separated as far as possible alongside the track. Wait for a passing train. Use either its b... 25 Feb 2010 00:25
A constant speed of light in all reference frames? Surely youcan't be serious. On 2/24/2010 3:19 AM, Androcles wrote: "Jerry" <Cephalobus_alienus(a)comcast.net> wrote in message news:0baac22d-ad06-4136-b1b2-d7144955080f(a)a18g2000yqc.googlegroups.com... On Feb 24, 12:31 am, "J. Clarke" <jclarke.use...(a)cox.net> wrote: You're acting like using a letter to refer to a velocity is somet... 28 Feb 2010 10:00
Electricity is a vibrating phenomenon The electron vibrates as it flow through a conductor. It can then vibrate accross to the next atom. Mitch Raemsch ... 25 Feb 2010 15:59
Intensity Related to Blue and Red Shifts Consider an observer moving at an extremely high velocity relative to the CMBR (e.g. v = 0.999999c). In the direction of travel, one would expect the CMBR to be blue shifted into infrared and visible. Would there be a difference in the intensity of the radiation in the blue shifted direction vs. the red shifted ... 24 Feb 2010 02:04
The reality of energy. Discussion in physics refer to energy as if it were as fundamental a part of the universe as space, time and matter. In Newtonian mechanics, energy is a useful mathematical abstraction, but not a directly measurable part of any dynamical system. Presumably this is also true in Relativity, despite mass/energy equiva... 9 Mar 2010 23:46
Not Quite Everything for a Theory of Everything On Feb 23, 2:35 pm, fitz <zeus...(a)yahoo.com> wrote: Not Quite Everything for a Theory of Everything (click link) http://www.amperefitz.com/not.quite.everything.for.a.theory.of.everyt... I looked. It contains this: "Here is a quote from the Britannica 1997 CD telling about Einstein's tensor math which ... 23 Feb 2010 17:04
Does the Lie Product formula work for infinite-dimensional operators? Please take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie_product_formula. Would this formula, which is stated to apply to NxN matrices, also apply to an infinite-dimensioned operator / matrix? Why or why not? Thanks, Jay ____________________________ Jay R. Yablon Email: jyablon(a)nycap.rr.com co-moderator: s... 26 Feb 2010 17:35
RICHARD DAWKINS STILL BLOWING HOT AIR . Richard Dawkins, aka "Darwin's Rottweiler" once labeled faith as a delusion, just like Liberalism is a mental disorder. So, Ed, your faith in "Man older than Coal" makes you a delusional Loonatic. No crawl back into your coal pit and continue digging for those imaginary fossils. ... 23 Feb 2010 17:04
Quantum jump rejected for a mirror Quantization of energy for jump does not apply. This is where QM can take some help well needed. As Einstein has said it is "incomplete." Science is itself only 400 years old. What about in a million years? Mitch Raemsch ... 23 Feb 2010 23:52
Sagnac Revisited. Why Paul, Tom and Jerry are Hopelessly Wrong. On Feb 22, 5:58 pm, artful <artful...(a)hotmail.com> wrote: That person was you. And, so far, I think you're the only one (Other than Andro who thinks the result is due to a minor second order effect that would only appear if the device was spinning with a tangential velocity close to the speed of light). ... 8 Apr 2010 20:51 |