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Was Einstein Guilty of Scientific Fraud?
Re: Was Einstein Guilty of Scientific Fraud? By the looks of it, yes. So it was said (Encyclopedia Brittanica 1937), the advent of relativity required the absence of luminiferous ether, yet once ether was observed and measured, proponents of relativity claim that luminiferous ether is accommodated by relativi... 24 May 2010 21:17
LAPTOP RECOVERY *** *** *** *** *** 24 May 2010 20:11
Particle Mass/Stability Spectrum Retrodicted at 99.6%
On May 24, 4:46 am, "hanson" <han...(a)> wrote: Yo, Bob, while others beat on you, I congratulate you for the work you have done so far. I hope that one day you'll get all the numbers within 99+ %, like others have done, decades before you, with different model assumptions, but also based on... 25 May 2010 00:31
Particle Mass/Stability Spectrum Retrodicted at 99.6%
On May 23, 11:04 pm, eric gisse <jowr.pi.nos...(a)> wrote: But your numbers aren't 'spot-on' - they are merely 'close as long as you don't look to the right of the decimal'. You can't explain the parameters you use, and you can't make testable predictions. You are not doing science. ------... 24 May 2010 12:21
Twin paradox if recorded with cameras
If we make a videos of both twins one rocket away (with some speed of light) into space and the other stayed on earth and then how would the movies (motion) of both twins be best explained if played side by side after? One camera is on board the rocket and the other is on earth. ... 24 May 2010 17:56
Sci.physics.research (:-)!!!
I noticed that in sci.physics.research there are moderators that --- (listen carefully :) that are moderators plus ---- ----ORDINARY POSTERS !!! ---------------- did you get it ??!! so noticed that there is one called Van der something: ) and i asked them how come that in your Mr( Van ... 24 May 2010 00:29
Fastest clock
Time slows down from an original fastest clock. Gravity and motion both slow time rates. There are two times that slowdown in the universe for matter. We live in a two time universe. Fastest time for gravity and motion is where it all begins. Light has gravity time and matter has gravity and motion time. Light ... 23 May 2010 16:52
Science is young
Time slows down from an original fastest clock. Gravity and motion both slow time rates. There are two times that slowdown in the universe for matter. We live in a two time universe. Fastest time for gravity and motion is where it all begins. Light has gravity time and matter has gravity and motion time. Light ... 15 Jun 2010 15:25
Science is young
We should all agree that science is only a few hundred years old taking Galileo as its father. We understand nothing completely. The idea of science having complete theories is for the very distant future; possibly 10's to 100's of millions of years ahead. Mitch Raemsch ... 23 May 2010 15:46
Martin Gardner dies.
The SOB deserved to live so long.... Martin wrote "Relativity for the Million". With my meager allowance, in early High School, I forked the $1 or so for that paper back version, and it instilled some ability to understand Relativity. It served ... 23 May 2010 13:34
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