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How much faster than light are we capable of measuring?
What is the meaning of c? Whether one believes that light is finite and constant and travels at c- or whether light is to be believed to be instant- is regardless- because the reason why the speed of light c travels at 300,000 km/s and not 200,000 km/s, or 100,000 km/s is a separate issue. Why this particular s... 25 May 2010 16:53
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What is the experimentally measurable difference between rest ?mass and the 'relativistic mass' of the photon ??!!
In sci.physics Tony M <marcuac(a)> wrote: (Snip on GPS and GR) The satellite clock is compensated for GR effects. The story I heard was that the GPS system was built with an option to do the GR correction, initially turned off. It didn't take long to determine that it needed to be on. -- glen ... 18 May 2010 15:54
The Hubble Error Clarified At "one" instance of the Universe Expansion, let say the light beam (also particles) expands by 2 units as the distance (space) of the beam from the observer expands by 1000 units (redshift). ***BUT only 1 of the 2 units above expands toward the observer,... 18 May 2010 10:22
The fastest part of the universe? How slow can you go?
Assuming that the universe has a finite age, civilisations only have so much time in which to exist. This leads me to believe that most (type III) civilisations will attempt to maximise the time available by numerous means. The first that jumps to mind is by moving to a faster substrate. However given the mallea... 20 May 2010 05:09
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Dear my Lady or Gentlemen, Great day! welcome to visit online shopping website we wholesale nike air max,nike shox,Adidas shoes,MBT shoes etc.We do long term business and have high reputation in USA and Europe country! Some links of nike air max: 1) 18 May 2010 03:50
I'm back with a paradox
Hi, please consider this setup A B ______________ ______ is the lab frame, A and B are identical cars carrying same amount of fuel. They start their engines at the same time and accelerate in the same direction until they run out the fuel. Now, according to the lab frame, the distance betwee... 18 May 2010 18:09
"Pentcho Valev" <pvalev(a)> wrote in message news:c6c1e008-ba2d-4738-9c3a-020f9d933756(a) Initially, etherists' belief that the speed of light is independent of the speed of the emitter was wrong but not insane: after all, the speed of all other waves does NOT depend on the... 21 May 2010 18:22
GUSKZ is Einstein of 21st century
Luminance doesn't change, but brightness does. The same amount of luminance (light) over a 1 inch square surface is much more brighter than the same amount of luminance over a 3 inch square surface. Comprehend? If so then continue below: Every single scientist on this tiny planet, estimated the distance fro... 18 May 2010 21:26
At the extreme of gravity there is a limit
Einstein said gravity is acceleration equivalent. Therefore the force of gravity has a limit of a less than light speed acceleration. There are no black holes only neutron stars. Mitch Raemsch ... 19 May 2010 14:55
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