Closed universe cosmology The discovery of the expansion of the universe leads to an hypersphere cosmology. Einstein called it a closed universe finite yet unbounded curving in the 4th dimension. Albert Einstein is the father of the hypersphere cosmology. His closed universe was its beginning. It started as a Friedman space. Mitch Rae... 22 Jun 2010 14:57
THE JOURNAL NATURE INVOLUNTARILY TOPPLES EINSTEIN harald wrote: [...] I see you are new here. ... 25 Jun 2010 21:57
One can heat air, food. Can vacuum be heated? One can heat air, food. Can vacuum be heated? #1. If not, then photons in a pure vacuum cannot generate heat. #2. Since "scientist" say the average vacuum density BETWEEN GALAXIES is (don't remember) say 1 proton per m^3 .....then one MUST calculate probability of photon collision(interference) the same way pro... 7 Jul 2010 20:07
Mathematical Proof that Relativity Might be Wrong ! here we go, two entangled particles which are about to decay in something else 1. a twin take one of the particle tweezed into a trap, travel and come back 10 minutes younger 2. meanwhile, the other twin at home, connects the other particle to a Schroedinger cat 3. the traveling twin knows that his particle... 22 Jun 2010 16:03
Lying for Einstein On Jun 22, 1:48 am, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote: "colp" <c...(a)> wrote in message news:61dff2bc-2261-4b00-bd44-02bbfc212db6(a) On Jun 21, 4:00 pm, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough) wrote: colp says... On Jun 20, 5:... 23 Jun 2010 20:37
Cackling crones and screeching drones have one thing in common, they gibber einstein's stupid theories in cacophonous unision. O ye crones and drones, more poetry on yer crappy enisteinian physics will be forthcoming. Screech and squeal away, ye freaks. Cheers, Arindam Banerjee ... 21 Jun 2010 14:41
Potential Energy in 1905 Relativity In the 27Sep1905 Einsteins paper where he derives the universal mass- energy relationship from the Conservation Principle of Energy, we can read: H and E are energy values of the same body referred to two systems of co-ordinates (S1 and S2) which are in motion relatively to each other, the body being at rest in S... 21 Jun 2010 08:03
Why does every dork and his dog continue to call it contraction? "colp" <colp(a)> wrote in message news:61dff2bc-2261-4b00-bd44-02bbfc212db6(a) On Jun 21, 4:00 pm, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough) wrote: colp says... On Jun 20, 5:57=A0pm, Uncle Ben <b...(a)> wrote: colp, you complain that SR impl... 21 Jun 2010 08:03
Einstein the supreme bungler - why Theory of General Relativity is bollocks, and the Sun's core is very cold On Jun 21, 6:40 pm, Arindam Banerjee <adda1...(a)> wrote: On Jun 21, 1:41 pm, "Sue..." <suzysewns...(a)> wrote: On Jun 20, 8:58 pm, Arindam Banerjee <adda1...(a)> wrote: Good morning, all honest folk. The "proof" for General Relativity is the famous... 22 Jun 2010 02:52 |