PROOF: LHC MORE Energy than Cosmic Ray Collisions Here is PROOF that Europe's LHC proton collider is ***LYING*** when they compare the probability of creating a black hole to cosmic ray collisions: Even if cosmic rays carry 10^20 eV, when they collide with the atmosphere which is a fixed target, the energy produced is: #1) E= Square_root_of (10^20) = 10^10 eV... 21 Jun 2010 03:44
PROOF: LHC MORE Energy than Cosmic Ray Collisions Europe's LHC proton collider is ****LYING*** when they compare their collisions with Cosmic Ray collisions. PROOF that LHC collisions are much higher energies than ANY Cosmic Ray collisions with the atmosphere. #1. Even "if" Space cosmic rays carry 10^20 eV that is NOT what they produce when they collide with ... 28 Jun 2010 10:36
Lying for Einstein On Jun 21, 5:28 pm, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote: "colp" <c...(a)> wrote in message news:9e6fb557-ea0f-418c-bc55-cac3603ef6aa(a) On Jun 21, 5:03 pm, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote: "colp" <c...(a)> wrote in message ... 21 Jun 2010 10:14
A Fireside Chat With johnreed, June 17, 2010 update A Fireside Chat With johnreed, June 17, 2010 update If you select a physical sub-stratum on which to base a least action [1] consistent (efficient) explanation of the least action consistent (efficient) stable universe motion, you must determine whether or not your sub-stratum works because it is consistent with ... 21 Jun 2010 02:36
Einstein the supreme bungler - why Theory of General Relativity is bollocks On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 20:32:59 -0700 (PDT), Monsieur Turtoni <turtoni(a)> wrote: On Jun 20, 10:56�pm, Tom Roberts <tjroberts...(a)> wrote: Arindam Banerjee wrote: [bending of light by the sun] As we all know, a glass or plastic lens bends light, simply because the light pass... 21 Jun 2010 00:25
Virtual zero point energy means free energy Science needs to take back the idea of energy in space created by quantum fluctuations. Because it means free energy and that is a contradiction. I am promoting the recognition by science that there can be no virtual forms of energy like temporary light or particles in space. Einstein might say "There is no fake... 21 Jun 2010 00:25
Relativity and Quantum Theory Hello folks, I wonder, if anybody is interested in discussing a new approach to explain relativity. The basic assumption is a doppler effect of quantum mechanic wave functions. They result in the same equations. If anybody is interested in the mathematical equations you can find them here: http://www.ludmate... 21 Jun 2010 02:36
Einstein the supreme bungler - why Theory of General Relativityis bollocks Arindam Banerjee wrote: [bending of light by the sun] As we all know, a glass or plastic lens bends light, simply because the light passing through same has to have the same phase front and also travel slower. This is just what is happening when the starlight passes through the dense (or light, dependin... 20 Jun 2010 23:21
Einstein the supreme bungler - why Theory of General Relativity is bollocks Good morning, all honest folk. The "proof" for General Relativity is the famous solar eclipse experiement. In a nutshell, GR has it that a large mass like the sun "bends" or "warps" space, and so, it acts like a "gravitational lens". Meaning, that when the Sun is visible in the sky, it will bend the light from... 22 Jun 2010 02:52
Witness the physical effect as matter converts to aether Aether and matter are different states of the same material. The material is maether. What you are witnessing in the following video is what occurs physically in nature when the state of the neighboring maether changes as matter converts to aether. 'under water nuke' 20 Jun 2010 20:04 |