From: Sam on
Hi all , i've a little managment problem with a win 2003 TS Lic server on
i've mounted DEV CAL (license server and terminakl server are the same
machine) . My question is : " Exist a metod with GPO to filter client devices
that can connect on that server for protect my TS license ?"
For example , in the last week , some people have tried to connect with our
username , and terminal license server have assigned a 90 days token.

Thanks in advanced!

From: Vera Noest [MVP] on
No, this is not something that you can do within TS or with a GPO.
A firewall can be configured to allow access only from specific IP
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___

=?Utf-8?B?U2Ft?= <Sam(a)> wrote on 17 jul
2008 in

> Hi all , i've a little managment problem with a win 2003 TS Lic
> server on i've mounted DEV CAL (license server and terminakl
> server are the same machine) . My question is : " Exist a metod
> with GPO to filter client devices that can connect on that
> server for protect my TS license ?" For example , in the last
> week , some people have tried to connect with our username , and
> terminal license server have assigned a 90 days token.
> Thanks in advanced!
> Sam