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2008 R2 Printer Drivers
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed that all of the MS HP printer drivers do not have an option for envelope feeders or am I missing something? Does anyone know if this is intentional? moncho ... 23 Feb 2010 07:57
GPO to hide server drives not applying
I have a OU with several servers in it. There is a GPO that is supposed to hide the local drives and it has worked well. I recently added some servers to it and expected the local drives to be hidden as well however this is not the case. What is the best way to trouble shoot this issue? All servers in the OU ar... 27 Feb 2010 11:02
Quickbooks Pro 2010 on Windows 2003 Terminal Server
Does anyone have any experience running Quickbooks Pro 2010 on a Windows 2003 Terminal Server? I would like to install a 3-user pack. Does this work? Any issues? -- Mike Schumann ... 23 Feb 2010 20:32
Desktop Experience
This feature and Terminal Services have been installed on a Windows Server 2008 EE. Howover, when using RDC to logon remotely, the desktop is not changed like Vista desktop. Any suggestion? Thanks. ... 22 Feb 2010 14:11 Kit completo de Solenoides ( solenoid ) + chicotePara Cambio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 20237
Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solenoides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit contem: 5 solenoides 2 Epc ( solenoides de pressao ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 ate hoje com o cambio automatico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 23:19
Terminal Services 2008 Text Only Printing
Hi. I am at my wit's end trying to get a receipt printer working with TS 2008 R2. Setup: -Epson TM88-IV Receipt Printer using the Generic/Text Only driver -Terminal Server 2008 R2 The Basic Problem: I need to set up a Begin Print Job and End Print Job code for a redirected printer every time I log in. R... 19 Feb 2010 14:24
Terminal Services and Rdesktop.
HP linux thin clients have problems connecting to 1 of our 2 nearly identical Server 2008 Terminal Servers. they can't connect each day until they are rebooted. From a linux desktop I tried issuing rdesktop server2 and I get an error: steve(a)Steve:~$ rdesktop server2 WARNING: Remote desktop does not support c... 19 Feb 2010 13:17
May not be available remotely
I know it is an old post but others who are struggling with this may find this useful. I am having the same issue. It just occured to me that the problem may lie in the fact that I am accessing the 2008 r2 machine via remote desktop. I have tried using the /admin switch with my mstsc client but no luck. Rob Lei... 19 Feb 2010 12:08
Controlling TS Settings
I am deploying a TS 2003 box. I want to control some of the user settings such as the wallpaper, screen saver, etc... I created an OU, put the server in the OU and configured GPO's on the OU but they do not seem to be applying? The settings I entered are for the User Configuration. The OU only contains the ... 19 Feb 2010 13:17
Application Crash on Terminal Server connect from different machin
My terminal server knowledge is quite limited, and I am involved with this simply because I am the lead developer of a specific software application. The scenario I am going to describe does not make much sense to me, and to a number of colleagues. -- We have a VB6 application, using a number of dlls and thi... 18 Feb 2010 18:30
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