From: Aatu Koskensilta on
Nam Nguyen <namducnguyen(a)> writes:

> And didn't you also say mathematical logic is a branch of mathematics?


> How could the whole thing has _nothing_ to do with something when part
> of it has a lot to do with that something?

Mathematical logic is not a part of the usual definition of "branch of
mathematics". Rather, it is a branch of mathematics.

> Didn't you say 'from my explanation that the usual meaning of "branch of
> mathematics"'? You seem to be dishonest here. No?

I mentioned "my explanation that the usual meaning of 'branch of
mathematics' has nothing to do with formal theories". I didn't claim to
have offered any explanation of what is usually meant by a branch of
mathematics. That you can easily find out for yourself.

Aatu Koskensilta (aatu.koskensilta(a)

"Wovon man nicht sprechan kann, dar�ber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
From: WM on
On 22 Apr., 05:50, Nam Nguyen <namducngu...(a)> wrote:
> It's widely believed our intuition of the natural numbers
> has led to foundational understandings of mathematical
> reasoning and not the least of which is the validity
> of GIT proof.

Goedels incompleteness proof presupposes and is based upon the
infinite hierarchy of infinities. "Der wahre Grund für die
Unvollständigkeit, welche allen formalen Systemen der Mathematik
anhaftet, liegt, wie im lI. Teil dieser Abhandlung gezeigt werden
wird, darin, daß die Bildung immer höherer Typen sich ins Transfinite
fortsetzen läßt [...] während in jedem formalen System höchstens
abzählbar viele vorhanden sind.
[Kurt Gödel: "Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia
Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I", Monatshefte für Mathematik und
Physik 38 (1931) S.173–198.]

This assumption is wrong.

The axiom of power set allows for the construction of set P(M) with
larger cardinal number than M, but this is only a must if some
counting function phi(omega) is not missing in M. In case phi is
missing, there must be the possibility that objective external (though
not internal) cardinalities remain the same for M and P(M) and P(P(M))
and P(P(P(M))) and so on in infinity. This is obviously nonsense.

Regards, WM
From: Marshall on
On Jun 8, 8:00 pm, Nam Nguyen <namducngu...(a)> wrote:
> But what are the naturals? A model of PA? I'm sure you know what
> circularity means!

And I am sure that you don't.

From: Marshall on
On Jun 8, 9:55 pm, Nam Nguyen <namducngu...(a)> wrote:
> > That's what I just explained to you.
> Wrong kind of explanation though.

At this point, the only kind of explanation that might
stand a chance of working with Nam is one that involves
whacking him on the head with some sort of large migratory
fish. I propose the stately salmon as the best candidate.
However I do not hold out much hope even for this

From: Nam Nguyen on
Aatu Koskensilta wrote:
> Nam Nguyen <namducnguyen(a)> writes:
>> Well then he has yet to demonstrate the formula is true in a false
>> model (where U is empty).
> To your satisfaction? I doubt that's possible.

No. Demonstrate using set-membership and 2 complementary predicates in
an empty U. That's purely technical requirements and whether or one is
satisfied is an entirely different matter from the demonstration. If he
or you can't, I have the counter demonstration: would he or you like
to hear?