From: William Poaster on
Aragorn wrote:

> On Thursday 03 June 2010 00:12 in comp.os.linux.misc, somebody
> identifying as William Poaster wrote...
>> Robert Nichols wrote:
>>> On 06/01/2010 03:01 PM, RayLopez99 wrote:
>>>> OK, yet another distro though--do I keep trying them all until one
>>>> works? And do they all fit on 2GB FlashRAM stick (see my reply to
>>>> AZ Nomad)? Do I just buy a external DVD for this cheap machine
>>>> (which costs about 33% of the total price of $300!)? Probably I
>>>> will buy a DVD, so I can install N versions of Linux--but which one
>>>> first? I'm not going to make a hobby installing Linux distros--not
>>>> my thing.
>>> Many distros have a "Live CD" which you can put on a USB flash stick
>>> and try out without having to go through an install. It'll run
>>> somewhat slowly (booting will be _really_ slow), but you can quickly
>>> find out whether your hardware is supported. I know Fedora, CentOS,
>>> and Ubuntu all have live CDs available. (In the case of Ubuntu, it's
>>> the regular install CD, which has an option to try out without
>>> installing.)
>>> BTW, that 7-year support for RHEL and CentOS is from when the base
>>> release, in this case "5", became available. CentOS 5 was released
>>> in 2007, and support for all CentOS 5.x is scheduled to end on
>>> 31 Mar 2014. Still a lot better than Fedora, where each release
>>> has support for at most 18 months (technically, until one month
>>> after version N+2 is released, and new releases can come as fast
>>> as 6 months apart).
>> YHBT: RayLopez99 is a known anti-Linux troll.
> And after the good example set by General Schvantzkopf, Ray Lopez has
> now joined the other trolls in my bit bucket as well. I am well
> reputed for my patience, but I've really had it with this guy.
> As a GNU/Linux and FOSS advocate, I don't mind setting a Windows
> advocate straight on their misconceptions - on the contrary, an honest
> dialog is the only way to break through the prejudices - but a genuine
> and honest Windows advocate would then either continue the debate in a
> serene way by trying to refute my arguments with what he or she
> construes as perfect logic and technical argumentation. It would be a
> real debate.
> Ray Lopez is not a Windows advocate. He's simply a Windroid[1] troll
> who asks nonsensical off-topic questions which are padded from top to
> bottom with anti-GNU/Linux drivel and contempt for the very people he
> seeks advice from, and he has already admitted to that. No valid
> arguments will hold with Ray Lopez and his ilk, because they don't even
> read them. After all, doing so would deprive them of their reason to
> come here and troll the group with flamebait and insult.
> It is not my habit to insult people, but let's face it, Ray Lopez is a
> bully and a loser who's got nothing else to do with his time than waste
> ours.


> [1] By his own admission, he has no understanding of operating system
> technology or networking and internet connections, and he considers
> someone a power-user if they do a lot of work in Microsoft Office.
> This is akin to a kindergarten toddler considering someone a quantum
> physicist because they can count to five on one hand.
> Nobody can be expected to know everything, and not every person has the
> same intellectual capacities as another person, but stupidity itself is
> a choice, not a natural property of one's brain, and as Albert Einstein
> once said, "If you cannot explain a complex subject onto a layman in
> simple terms, then you have not understood the subject yourself."
> I firmly believe that with the proper explanation, a sufficient dose of
> patience and possibly a bit of handholding - there's no shame in that -
> everyone can be taught almost everything. Everyone, except those who
> deliberately choose to remain ignorant. *That* is what stupidity
> really is: the deliberate choice to remain ignorant so as to be able to
> use that as an excuse to be allowed to continue one's venture along the
> wrong path.
> Ray Lopez is stupid and malevolent, and any good advice given to him is
> wasted, like pearls before the swine. And that's an insult to the
> swine.

Indeed it is!

> Cheers, my friend. ;-)

Stay well, Aragorn. Always a pleasure to read your posts. :-)

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