From: gabydewilde on
On Sep 9, 5:29 pm, John Larkin
<jjlar...(a)> wrote:
> which is energy, which is conserved.

Earth is the center of the universe! Heavier than air flying apparatus
are impossible! When will you grow up and stop asserting bullshit? God
is the almighty creator! Hallelujah!!

Your imaginary energy construct is really something that doesn't
exist. Then you also want to pretend it is conversated. What bullcrap!

The pretend game ends here. Prove the assertions, put up or shut up.

Don't let your feelings of inferiority, your fear of the unknown and
your child hood problems stand in the way.

We all know you have a personality disorder, you have problems with
logic and you don't know which side is up.

Everyone agrees your brain is a stool.

Science like that - eh?

From: gabydewilde on
On Sep 9, 5:27 pm, John Larkin
<jjlar...(a)> wrote:
> >Fer sure. And we'll send the CIA around to gather it and you up for
> >"testing".
> Cool. I've always wanted to ride in a black helicopter.

You will be tested and tried out on location.

From: gabydewilde on
On Sep 9, 10:05 pm, Rich the Philosophizer
<philosobphi...(a)> wrote:
> I first heard of Bearden and his "zero point generator" decades ago.
> In fact, the concept is so popular, it's used on Stargate Atlantis.
> But if it's possible, howcome he hasn't demonstrated anything?

Perhaps you need to look a bit more before making conclusions?

Just a thought.
From: John Larkin on
On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 14:16:52 -0700 (PDT), gabydewilde
<gdewilde(a)> wrote:

>On Sep 9, 5:29�pm, John Larkin
><jjlar...(a)> wrote:
>> which is energy, which is conserved.
>Earth is the center of the universe! Heavier than air flying apparatus
>are impossible! When will you grow up and stop asserting bullshit? God
>is the almighty creator! Hallelujah!!
>Your imaginary energy construct is really something that doesn't
>exist. Then you also want to pretend it is conversated. What bullcrap!
>The pretend game ends here. Prove the assertions, put up or shut up.

COE is one of the axioms of physics. It's been tested millions of ways
to all the measurement resolution available, and there have been no
counter-cases. Some versions of string theory claim to prove it from
more fundamental axioms.

All it would take is one counter-case, one zero-point machine that
actually works, to break the axiom. Go for it.

Have you taken any serious physics courses? Are you in high school


From: gabydewilde on
On Sep 9, 11:34 pm, John Larkin
<jjlar...(a)> wrote:
> All it would take is one counter-case.

No you prefer the horse behind the carriage. You want to argue you
don't have to look at anything because of your assumption. This
applies to all previous non investigations.

Your beloved theorem has been an erroneous assumption from day one.
The millions of proofs you assert actually do not exist. They cant
exist because closed systems do not exists.

If you would respect the theorem you would apply it properly: The
theorem merely suggests you should be looking for the source of the
energy. It doesn't contain any excuse to be ignorant. Ignorance does
not make proof. Truth by omission is not truth at all.

On wikipedia Extremist and fringe sources we read:
"Organizations and individuals that express views that are widely
acknowledged by reliable sources as fringe, pseudo-academic, or
extremist may only be used as sources of information about those
organisations or individuals.

An individual extremist or fringe source may be entirely excluded.
Fringe and extremist sources must not be used to obscure or describe
the mainstream view, nor used to indicate a fringe theory's level of

* Here we keenly observe non mainstream views equated with extremism.

* Here we keenly observe character assassination before investigation
is the mainstream method.

* Here we keenly observe how ignoring the evidence is evidence of
"In physics, the zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that
a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the
ground state."

* Here we keenly observe Energy asserted to be "the ground state"[sic]

* We furthermore observe how your free energy gestapo deletes all
references it doesn't like using the Nazi rhetoric described above.
"A German scientist has claimed to of successfully harnessed a small
part of the zero-point electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations from space
to mechanically propel a rotor, surmounting bearing friction. QED
theory as well as successful experiments (tested in high-partial
vacuum conditions inside a vacuum chamber to exclude ion wind
thrusting) are mentioned in many publications.[9] The operating
principle of the device can be partially explained by the Casimir
force in connection to the scientist's theory that zero-point
fluctuations from space can be influenced by electric and magnetic
fields in the same manner normal electromagnetic waves can."

* Here we keenly observe how observable facts enjoying many citations
and theoretical explainations can still be referred to as "A CLAIM"

The sources provided:

You don't have to question reliability because by your logic this is

Verification and Conversion of the Energy of the Zero-point
Oscillations of the Vacuum

Definite Proof for the Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical
energy based on the Measurement of Machine Power

1. Turtur, C. W. (October 2007). Two Paradoxes of the Existence of
electric Charge.
2. Turtur, C. W. (February 2008). A Motor driven by Electrostatic
Forces. PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 119
3. Turtur, C. W. (June 2008). Conversion of vacuum-energy into
mechanical energy. The General Science Journal, ISSN 1916-5382
4. Turtur, C. W. (Dez. 2008). Conversion of Vacuum-Energy into
Mechanical Energy under Vacuum Conditions. PHILICA.COM, ISSN
1751-3030, Article number 141
5. Giulini, D. and Straumann, N. (Sept. 2000). Das Rätsel der
kosmologischen Vakuumenergiedichte und die beschleunigte Expansion des
Universums. arXiv:astro-ph/0009368 v1
6. Tegmark, M. (July 2002). Measuring Spacetime: from Big Bang to
Black Holes. arXiv:astro-ph/0207199 v1, Slightly abbreviated version:
Science, 296, 1427-1433
7. Riess, A. G. et. al. (May 1998). Observational Evidence from
Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant.
8. Tonry. J. L. et. al. (May 2003). Cosmological Results from High-z
Supernovae. arXiv:astro-ph/0305008
9. Goenner, H. (1996). Einführung in die Spezielle und Allgemeine
Relativitätstheorie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, ISBN 3-86025-333-6
10. Pauli, W. (2000). Relativitätstheorie. Nachdruck im Springer-
Verlag, ISBN 3-540-67312-1
11. Schröder, U. E. (2002). Gravitation. Verlag Harri Deutsch, ISBN
12. Wheeler, J. A. (1968). Einsteins Vision - Wie steht es heute mit
Einsteins Vision, alles als Geometrie aufzufassen ? Springer Verlag
13. Lindner, A. (1997). Grundkurs Theoretische Physik. Teubner Verlag,
Stuttgart. ISBN 3-519-13095-5
14. Mandl, F. and Shaw, G. (1993). Quantenfeldtheorie. Aula-Verlag,
Wiesbaden. ISBN 3-89104-532-8
15. Turtur, C. W. (May 2008). A magnetic rotor to convert vacuum-
energy into mechanical energy. PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article
number 130
16. Jackson, J. D. (1981). Klassische Elektrodynamik. Walter de
Gruyter Verlag. ISBN 3-11-007415-X
17. Becker, R. and Sauter, F. (1973). Theorie der Elektrizität.
Teubner Verlag. ISBN 3-519-23006-2
18. Turtur, C. W. (April 2008). Conversion of vacuum-energy into
mechanical energy: Successful experimental Verification. PHILICA.COM,
ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 124
19. Brown, T. T. (Nov. 1928). A Method of and an Apparatus or Machine
for Producing Force or Motion. U.S. Patent No. 300,311
20. Brown, T. T. (June 1965). Electrokinetic Apparatus U.S. Patent No.
21. Turtur, C. W. (September 2008). A QED-model for the Energy of the
Vacuum and an Explanation of its Conversion into Mechanical Energy.
PHILICA.COM, ISSN 1751-3030, Article number 138
22. Solomon, D. (2003). Some remarks on Dirac’s hole theory versus
quantum field theory. Can. J. Phys. 81: 1165-1175
23. Solomon, D. (2005). Some differences between Dirac’s hole theory
and quantum field theory. Can. J. Phys. 83: 257-271
24. Solomon, D. (2006).Some new results concerning the vacuum in
Dirac’s hole theory. Phys. Scr. 74, 117-122
25. Xue, S.-S. (2001). Possible vacuum-energy releasing. Physics
Letters B 508 (2001) 211-215
26. Xue, S.-S. (2003). Magnetically induced vacuum decay. Phys. Rev. D
68 (2003) 013004
27. Chubykalo, A. E., Pope, V. and Smirnov-Rueda, R. (1999).
Instantaneous Action at a Distance in Modern Physics: Pro and Contra.
Nova Science Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-1-56072-698-9
28. Beitz, W. and Küttner, K.-H. et. al.(1990). Dubbel - Taschenbuch
für den Maschinenbau , 17.Auflage. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-52381-2

"All it would take is one counter-case" - John Larkin


Total score:

John Larking: No score, disqualified
Gaby de Wilde: Good points, strong arguments. Extra points for style
and truthery

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