From: Chief Scratchum on 16 Dec 2006 11:59 "pcbutts1" <pcbutts1(a)> wrote in Impressive - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ news:05KdnXc9s4ywhxnYnZ2dnUVZ_silnZ2d(a) > Use Spyerase, fast and free. It now has over 1500 signatures to remove > all variants of Virusburst,Spysheriff and others.This tool is designed > to specifically > remove virusburst. Scan time is about 2 minutes. > First read this page hppt://DONT!.com/downloads then download > spyerase from here hppt://DONT!.com/downloads/
From: Nick Skrepetos on 16 Dec 2006 13:54 pcbutts1 wrote: > Use Spyerase, fast and free. It now has over 1500 signatures to remove all > variants of Virusburst,Spysheriff and others.This tool is designed to > specifically > remove virusburst. Scan time is about 2 minutes. > First read this page then download > spyerase from here > PCButts1 - can you please stop hi-jacking every thread where someone mentions SUPERAntiSpyware with your "spyerase" - no one wants a stolen batch file. You turn every nice, polite and sincere thread into a big garbage pile.
From: Φ Kwatu Φ on 16 Dec 2006 14:26 @echo off :intro color 1F @echo off cls echo. echo. echo ################### echo # # echo # Spyerase # echo # Smitfraud Variant # echo # Removal Tool # echo # created # echo # by # echo # pcbutts1 # echo # # echo ################### echo. echo This tool will check your XP system for files and registry keys echo belonging to rogue spyware applications and their installing trojans echo. echo Files detected will be removed echo. echo. echo If you do not wish to continue with the dectection/removal process echo. echo Close this program by clicking on the 'x' top right hand corner of this window echo. echo. pause echo. echo. @echo off cls echo. echo. echo pcbutts1 assumes no liability for echo damage or loss as a result of running this tool echo. echo. echo. echo If you do not accept using spyerase is at your own risk echo. echo Close this program, click the 'x' in the top right hand corner. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. pause @echo off cls echo.>>spyerase.txt echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo logfile of scans by spyerase V7.2>>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo Scan performed on>>spyerase.txt echo. |date |find "current">>spyerase.txt echo. |time |find "current">>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>spyerase.txt echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. echo spyerase is searching your system. Please wait ......... echo. echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Files found ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo ~~~~~ Files found ~~~~>>spyerase.txt regsvr32 /u /s occache.dll echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" GOTO S1 attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo successfully deleted 124842.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo successfully deleted 124842.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" GOTO S1 Tskill /a "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo successfully deleted 124842.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo successfully deleted 124842.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" GOTO S1 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo unable to delete 124842.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" echo unable to delete 124842.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt :S1 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\3.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" GOTO S1a attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo successfully deleted 3.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo successfully deleted 3.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" GOTO S1a Tskill /a "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo successfully 3.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo successfully 3.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" GOTO S1a IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo unable to delete 3.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" echo unable to delete 3.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\3.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. :S1a IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\a.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" GOTO S1b attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo successfully a.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo successfully a.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" GOTO S1b IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo unable to delete a.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" echo unable to delete a.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\a.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. :S1b IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" GOTO S2 attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo successfully ac3_0003.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo successfully ac3_0003.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" GOTO S2 Tskill /a "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo successfully ac3_0003.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo successfully ac3_0003.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" GOTO S2 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo unable to delete ac3_0003.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" echo unable to delete ac3_0003.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. :S2 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" GOTO S3 attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo successfully deleted amewq32.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo successfully deleted amewq32.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" GOTO S3 Tskill /a "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo successfully amewq32.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo successfully amewq32.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" GOTO S3 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo unable to amewq32.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" echo unable to amewq32.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo. :S3 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe">>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" GOTO S4 attrib -h -r -s "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo successfully deleted ann.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo successfully deleted ann.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" GOTO S4 Tskill /a "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo successfully ann.exe IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo successfully ann.exe>>spyerase.txt IF NOT EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" GOTO S4 IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo unable to ann.exe - will delete on reboot IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" echo unable to ann.exe - will delete on reboot>>spyerase.txt echo DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe">>%SystemDrive%\delrb.txt echo.>>spyerase.txt echo.
From: pcbutts1 on 16 Dec 2006 16:37 Why do you get mad at me when your SAS does not work and my Spyerase does? Why is there more and more posts from people with problems with SAS?. There has never been a post from anyone about any of my stuff that said it did not work,or that it is slow, or that it crashed their system. Why is that? because my stuff works. How many awards has SAS won? My retail version, which has been out only 2 months has already won 4 times for best new product. My removal tool Spyerase, which I'm sure you already tested has already been downloaded over 1000 times and I only advertise that one in the newsgroups. Spyerase has been hacked and probed and ripped apart by everybody and nothing can be said about it because it works. Fix your product Nick, grow up and stop crying and I won't have to post alternative products to people who need help. -- The best live web video on the internet NEW Embedded system W/Linux. We now sell DVR cards. See it all at Sharpvision simply the best "Nick Skrepetos" <nskrepetos(a)> wrote in message news:1166295282.582269.316300(a) > > pcbutts1 wrote: >> Use Spyerase, fast and free. It now has over 1500 signatures to remove >> all >> variants of Virusburst,Spysheriff and others.This tool is designed to >> specifically >> remove virusburst. Scan time is about 2 minutes. >> First read this page then download >> spyerase from here >> > PCButts1 - can you please stop hi-jacking every thread where someone > mentions SUPERAntiSpyware with your "spyerase" - no one wants a stolen > batch file. You turn every nice, polite and sincere thread into a big > garbage pile. >
From: Andy Walker on 16 Dec 2006 16:41
? Kwatu ? wrote: >regsvr32 /u /s occache.dll >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\124842.exe" >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\3.exe" >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\a.exe" >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ac3_0003.exe" >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\amewq32.exe" >DEL /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\ann.exe" So much for butts' boast of "over 1500 detections" LMAO! |