Anchors in CHM besed help Hello! There is an application with an HLP based helpfile. This helpfile should be changed to a CHM based helpfile. I'm using H&M All is working fine with one execption: I can't view help sections by using anchors any more. For a dialog with a tab control there is a help topic with help text se... 29 Dec 2009 19:43
Dynamic memory Low Hello, Hope someone can help me urgently with the following problem. I have a directory on a server with 400000 files and all files with a date older then today must be deleted. When startin up Windows Explorer it take ages before I can delete the relevant files so I thought.... why not using a small VO applic... 25 Dec 2009 09:19
Harbour 2.0 released Hi All, I'm glad to announce that after a very heavy 16 months of development, the final, stable version 2.0.0 is finally released. Mary Christmas to everyone Belgrano Massimo ... 29 Dec 2009 17:29
SMALL SAMPLE - FabZip Hi all I need to unzip a file ( for the first time with VO ) I dont match the right sintaxis with fabzipfile oZip := FabzipFile { cFullNameZip , self } oZip:ExtractDir:= AllTrim ( self:oDCSingleLineEdit2:TextValue ) oZip:ExtractOptions:OverWrite := true oZip::Extract() return alw... 23 Dec 2009 13:38
Feliz Natal - Merry Christmas A equipa da CLIPINFOR deseja-lhe um Feliz Natal e um Bom Ano Novo. The team CLIPINFOR wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. El equipo de CLIPINFOR les desea una Feliz Navidad y un Feliz Año Nuevo. Das Team CLIPINFOR wünscht Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. ... 24 Dec 2009 16:13
GZip compression I'm using ZIP compression (with FabZip) but I'm asked to send files compressed with GZip. Did anyone make a function to zip to GZip ? ... 23 Dec 2009 13:38
Newbie question Does anyone know why the following code does not center the dialog? oOD := OpenDialog{SELF, "???inv.dbf"} oOD:Caption := "SELECT AN INVENTORY" oOD:SetStyle(OFN_HIDEREADONLY) oOD:Show(SHOWCENTERED) The dialog remains stuck in the upper left corner of the screen. I'm using 2.8 SP3 on Vista. Any advice would... 23 Dec 2009 13:38
Thanks and Happy New Year Thanks to all. All you were very important in the moments in that I needed help, thank you very much! I am sure that without you, some jobs could not be done. Merry Christmas and prosperous new year! ... 18 Dec 2009 13:51
Web Service question I am using the following code to consume a web service in VO. SELF:oWebEx := OLEAutoObject{"MSSOAP.SoapClient"} IF SELF:oWebEx:fInit Do some stuff endif However on some Windows 2003 servers the fInit fails. Researching this on the MSDN they recomment not to use the SOAP Toolkit Version 2.0... 20 Dec 2009 16:54 |