Load directory What is the best way to find out from what directory did the application start from, ie the installation directory? I have some additional parameters in that directory I need to read later in the application. Kari ... 15 Feb 2010 17:44
Search in Treeview values Hello all, I am using a treeview object to show a list of datarecords - similiar to a windows explorer windows for directories and files. The loading etc. works fine. I wonder now if there is a chance to search in the values of the Treeview: e.g. oTreeView:Find("whatever") At this point in time I see f... 15 Feb 2010 16:35
VO 2.7 - VO 2.8 DBF size. How can it be? Hi all! Created an app in VO 2.7. All is working fine, RDD - DBFCDX. Several DBFs. Then moved this app to VO 2.8. All data files were merely copied in another folder. No changes in the code. All is working as expected. But now I found out that the size of 2 DBFs changed - in VO they become 1 byte longer. Cl... 14 Feb 2010 17:23
Problem with ODBC XLS I open a cetrain XLS file like this: SELF:oHost:AccessMode := SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY cCo := "Driver=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);Dbq="+SELF:cFileNm lResult := SELF:oHost:DriverConnect(,SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED,cCo) IF lResult SELF:oSqlSelect := SQLSelect{"SELECT * FROM [CALLS$]",SELF:oHost} ENDIF Most re... 17 Feb 2010 00:02
2.6 to 2.8 I'm finally making the move to 2.8 SP3 from 2.6. Suggestions or "gotchas" that people encountered is most helpful. Thanks Gary Miller ... 13 Feb 2010 20:31
PA-DSS Compliance If anyone is processing credit cards using a VO program (or any program), is your application PA-DSS compliant? What company do you recommend to test for compliance? What was the cost? What algorithm did you use to encrypt the sensitive credit card data like credit card number and exp date? Thanks, Jam... 12 Feb 2010 16:49
Application Layout Il Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:14:01 -0800, wolverine ha scritto: Maybe i code in the wrong way but if i open a SplitWindow from the ShellWindow i have some problems, for example: (1) when i open the window associated with the menu item of the TreeView in the right pane, the caption of that window is lost and the... 17 Feb 2010 00:02
Inserting JPG in excel VO 2.8 SP 3 , Excel 2003 Does someone know how to insert jpg-files into cells ? Greetings Ecki ... 22 Feb 2010 11:49
Insert pictures into Exceltable VO 2.8 SP 3 , Excel 2003 there is a table with a number of articles, i want to insert a JPG-File for each article in a Cell, how do do it with OLE ? Perhaps someone has already done this with VO and cann help me to do ? Would be great Ecki ... 12 Feb 2010 11:08
Vo2Ado datetime conversion and StoredProcedures Hi, I need to run a sp with some datetime parameters. This is my code snippet: oCmd :=AdoCommand{} oPars := oCmd:PARAMETERS_ oCmd:CommandText := "mysq" oCmd:CommandType := AdCmdStoredProc oCmd:ActiveConnection:= self:oConnection oPars := oCmd:PARAMETERS_ oPars:Item("@dDate"):VALUE:= self:o... 13 Feb 2010 20:31 |