From: Spirit of Truth on

"maxwell" <spsi(a)> wrote in message
> On May 25, 4:54 pm, Laurent <cyberd...(a)> wrote:
>> On May 25, 7:31 pm, Eric Gisse <jowr...(a)> wrote:
>> > On May 25, 5:58 am, Laurent <cyberd...(a)> wrote:
>> > [...]
>> > Philosophy is not physics.
>> DUH!!!
> Physics without philosophy is just math.

And making physics conform to math is nonsense = lack of

from: Spirit of Truth

(using June's e-mail to communicate to you)!

From: Florian on
Rudolf Drabek <newsrudy(a)> wrote:

> 1. MMX gave a null result. To state from that "there is no Aether" is
> wrong
> You can only say: "It has not the property to carry EM waves like
> light we thought"

Each time I've seen the set up of a MMX, both arms of the interferometer
were horizontal. Is there any MM experiment peformed with one vertical
arm and one horizontal arm?


"Tout est au mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles"
Voltaire vs Leibniz (1-0)
From: Laurent on
On Jun 2, 8:43 pm, Jimmer <jimmerli...(a)> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 11:10 pm, Jimmer <jimmerli...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jun 1, 10:24 pm, Laurent <cyberd...(a)> wrote:
> > > > My comment. Before the Big Bang. We can't say there was
> > > > empty space.
> > > Imagine yourself in this emty space before the Big Bang, would be able
> > > to tell its size? No. Size is not a property of empty space, neither
> > > is motion. Empty space has no beginning and no end, it is eternal and
> > > immutable. It is also all pervading or omnipresent. But the most
> > > interesting property of empty space is its oneness, its wholeness. As
> > > Einstein said, it is not composed of parts that follow a timeline. The
> > > aether is one and it's everywhere, that's why is doesn't need to move.
> > Ok. Tomorrow night. I'll re-read Ludwik "Einstein and the Ether" in
> > one
> > sitting so we can get this over with. I still don't get how you can
> > state
> > that the aether has no size nor beginning nor end (an abstraction
> > without form nor mathematic concept) yet it can explain
> > the space-time interval in the minkowski framework explaning why
> > rod contracts, time dilates, mass increases when perceived in other
> > inertial frames. This is where the battleline will be drawn and
> > decided
> > and your psyche penetrated.
> > J.
> > > In the Big Bang, space was created in the Bang
> > > > as space expands.
> > > Yes, but that space you are talking about is not empty, it is packed
> > > full with photons.
> > > Space seems to be part of the physical world
> > > > J.- Hide quoted text -
> "State of the Guv = Ether"
> Laur, I finally re-read the Ludwik book "Einstein
> and the Ether" which you asked me to and I finally
> understood your situation and everything. The
> following is the last 2 pages of Ludwik book for
> setting the mood of my arguments. I'll continue
> commenting after it
> "It might be claimed that a return to Einstein's
> concept of a "new ether" would create a certain
> confusion in terminology, because in the minds of
> physicists (and not just physicists) the
> expression "ether" is closely linked with the
> notions and concepts of nineteenth century
> physics. Hence, it would not be advisable to use
> it from the didactic point of view, because for
> many it would mean a reversion, in one way or
> another, to the concepts of the past. But this is
> certainly not true, because a good teacher would
> be able to differentiate these concepts and teach
> all the different models of the ether using
> different names and adjectives, e.g., Einstein's
> ether, Lorentz's ether, Weyl's ether, Eddington's
> ether, Dirac's ether . and "new ether,"
> "relativistic ether," stationary ether, nineteenth
> century physics ether, and so on-each in its
> proper context. Consequently, everything would be
> clear for students, and there is no reason why the
> expression "ether" should not be used from the
> didactic point of view. On t he contrary; for
> precisely this reason it is preferable to use a
> traditional word, because it fully expresses the
> particular kind of materiality of the space-time
> continuum. When we use only the expression
> "space-time continuum," its materiality is not
> indicated in any way. We therefore need a special
> word to express it. The traditional word "ether"
> is ideally suited to this purpose.
> The expressions "new ether" and "relativistic
> ether" are particularly useful from the physical
> point of view because they, indicate immediately
> that in the Theory of Relativity, space-time is of
> a material nature. It is well to recall the
> reasons why, Einstein attributed material
> properties to the space-time continuum:
> 1. The space-time continuum participates, in a
> real and active way, in physical becoming. Eg. the
> gravitational potentials described mathematically
> by the <g,,,. components of the metrical tensor
> determine the inertio-gravitational behaviour of
> test particles.
> 2. Space-time is a field, and there is no
> qualitative difference between field and matter.
> Field is characterised by a certain distribution
> of energy, and therefore, materiality.
> Note that, after 1916 and until his death,
> Einstein was never against the in his expression
> "new ether." He used this term frequently 'n his
> scientific correspondence with scientists, and in
> his scientific interpretative Papers until 1938.
> After 1938 he did not write any new interpretative
> papers on the ether, but he authorised re-releases
> of his Leiden lecture on the the ether and other
> papers about the relativistic ether. In one of
> them, as we know, he introduced some amendments.
> He instructed the Publisher to omit the part that
> was no longer in accordance with his opinions. but
> he did not remove the idea of the new ether. In
> the revised version of the paper, the expression
> "new ether' acquir ed an even more general
> meaning.
> It is fitting to close this essay with two quotes
> from Einstein that show in which meaning the word
> "ether" can be used in his relativity theory, and
> why we cannot do without the ether in theoretical
> physics.
> "We may still use the word ether but only to
> express the physical properties of space. The word
> ether has changed its meaning many times in the
> development of science. At the moment, it no
> longer stands for a medium built up of particles.
> lts story, by no means finished, is continued by
> the relativity theory."

See, there is no materiality to the aether, the aether is before space-
time. Space-time is grainy, it is packed full of photons, and because
of these photons there is relativity and reciprocity.

Read this:

The Classical Vacuum

[From Scientific American, August 1985, pp 70-78.]

It is not empty. Even when all matter and heat radiation have
been removed from a region of space, the vacuum of classical
physics remains filled with a distinctive pattern of electromagnetic

by Timothy H. Boyer

> [...] we will not be able to do without the ether
> in theoretical physics, i.e., a continuum which is
> equipped with physical Properties; for the general
> theory, whose basic points of view physicists
> surely will always maintain, excludes direct
> distant action. But every contiguous action theory
> presumes continuous fields, and therefore also the
> existence of an "ether."
> -----------------------------------------
> My comments.
> Ok. The above mentioned that a good teacher can
> distinguish between the different terms of the
> aether. For you have been here in this newsgroup
> for a decade and the most brightests among them
> can't seem to differentiate so your decision to
> use the word Aether may not be productive.
> I agree that the word Aether would denote some
> materiality to space and time rather than the term
> space-time continuum which sounds disembodied. Btw
> let it be noted that your Aether is not exactly
> the same as Einstein "Guv = Ether" thing because
> you wanted your Aether to almost encompass the
> theory of everything where it creates matter,
> space time as well as rule the spacetime interval
> relationship, etc. Einstein relativistic aether
> only rules the inertial and gravitational status
> of spacetime. Now if the genius like Uncle Al
> can't differentiate between Maxwellian Aether and
> Relativistic Aether. What hope would there be for
> lesser men to accomplish the comprehension.
> Therefore you are alone in this. No physicists can
> help you. And the most logical thing for you is to
> to become a physicist yourself and be master of
> mathematics. Try to get the mathematical footing
> of your Aether dynamics. Invariance, symmetries
> and gauge theory for example certainly rule your
> Aether. When you add new terms for example to
> balance and fulfill the local phase invariance of
> the relativistic version of schroedinger equation.
> The photons naturally came out. So the Aether
> obviously involves some complex relationship and
> math between the matter, field and energy. It's
> harder than it is because we are not dealing with
> 3D relationship. The aether being omniflexible can
> operate in many dimensions. For example. In the
> spin of particles. It takes 2 complete revolutions
> for one cycle. So there is multidimensional thing
> going on.
> Thanks for letting me re-read the book as I
> finally understood where to draw the line. It also
> reminds me to study General Relativity in depth
> because the secret to solve it may lie there.
> I think its ok to completely drop the thing Aether
> and instead use "Total Field" which Einstein used
> in the last decades of his life.
> Hopefully the Total Field or Aether is true,
> because if it is not. We may be living literally
> instead in some kind of multidimensional Cosmic
> Matrix that is programmed. So it's either the
> Aether or Matrix. Apply Occam's razor. Although it
> is possible the Matrix uses the Aether in the
> execution of its program. Or maybe reality is
> more weirder than that. Whatever, try to make
> your Aether falsifiable. Even the Many World
> Interpretation can be falsified when using
> certain intelligent quantum computer algorithm.
> Goodluck dude. Remember with math your aether
> becomes physics. Without math, it is just
> philosophy.
> I grasped your situation. No further questions.
> J.

From: Spirit of Truth on

"Bilge" <dubious(a)> wrote in message
> On 2007-06-01, Spirit of Truth <juneharton(a)> wrote:
>> "Greg Neill" <gneillREM(a)> wrote in message
>> news:465f0fee$0$15975$9a6e19ea(a)
>>> "Laurent" <cyberdyno(a)> wrote in message
>>> news:1180634509.457250.262660(a)
>>>> On May 31, 9:17 am, "Greg Neill" <gneill...(a)> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > MMX was null so is irrelevant.
>>>> All the MMX proved was that they didn't understand the nature of the
>>>> aether.
>>> Oh, pray, do enlighten us. Hundreds of top minds of
>>> the age seem to have missed what you deem obvious.
>>> You can start by listing the mechanical properties of
>>> the aether as needed to match the observed data such
>>> as the speed of light, orbit decay rates, null MMX
>>> results, relativistic velocity addition for light,
>>> etc., etc.
>>>> You want to measure aether drag? Measure the momentum of a moving
>>>> object.
>>> You mean like 4+ billion years of Earth orbiting the Sun
>>> without significant change in its momentum through a
>>> medium stiffer than steel (required for speed of propagation
>>> of light).
>> woh!
>> Alright, since you understand all of this...please explain
>> to me (and others) the twin paradox in simple words referring to
>> the physical univese without using words like "frames" please!
> Please provide an example of what you mean

I, moving away from you, see you moving away from me.

>(newtonian mechanics
> will be fine). Oh, wait... You probably did not realize that a
> galilean frame is still a frame and newtonian mechanics hinges
> on the galilean definition of a frame.
>> Through relavity whether GR or SR I get reciprocal accelerations,
>> reciprocal inertial motion, reciprocal decelerations AND reciprocal
>> time dilations, and cannot get where the difference comes in no
>> matter what answer to the problem I constantly review!
> Naturally, since it wasn't worth your effort to calculate something
> which would contradict your opinion of the result.
>> this is relevant under this subject as with an aether theory one
>> can somewhat do away with the reciprocity!
> So, are you suggesting that physicists abandon a theory which
> makes perfect physical sense and serves as the basis for theories
> which agree with all known experimental data in favor of theory
> based on a principle which precludes the comparison of two
> measurements of the same phenomena and a mysterious substance that
> still can't account for any of the phenomena for which it was
> hypothesized and whose only prtoperty seems to be an uncanny
> ability to influence any physical process so as to evade detection?
> Gee, sign me up...

Neither, actually, Bilge, since the Lorentz transformation results
in mathematical lack of simultaneity which does NOT match the
universe we are studying.

from: Spirit Of Truth

(using June's e-mail to communicate to you)!.

From: Greg Neill on
"Spirit of Truth" <juneharton(a)> wrote in message

> Neither, actually, Bilge, since the Lorentz transformation results
> in mathematical lack of simultaneity which does NOT match the
> universe we are studying.

Actually, it does. Every experiment done to date has
confirmed that the Lorentz transform is a true representation
of the physics of the universe. If you say otherwise, please
provide a cite to a peer reviewed experiment that demonstrates