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Is any antivirus program really safe?
Jordon wrote: Major snippage... So when a virus detection program or a malware detection program detects a problem and tells you it's prevented damage, you don't believe it and do a system restore anyway? If you are the person who must sign a waver or otherwise certify that the system is without malw... 7 Sep 2009 10:00
Fatal Error TNT.11020
This error is being generated when attempting to do a Partition by Partition Copy using WD Lifeguard tools 11.2. Also see post titled "NTFS Partition Corrupts During BackUp. All virus scans including Malwarebytes shows no viruses. Anyone have any ideas what this is causing this problem (Hardware/Software/O... 10 Jan 2009 12:37
Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error
Dear all, Our network was attacked recently, our antivirus mcafee detect the attack as bo:stack blocked by bufferflow. some computer was infected some of them was our critical servers. the symptoms was everytime we logon to windows the system "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error" it stop the server, ... 16 Dec 2008 22:17
X12-30107-DLM.EXE Virus or Hacker Hook
While attempting to download MS Office via Microsoft downloader, Threat Fire identified the subject EXE as a threat. The only information I could find was that some anti virus vendor do not know if it is a threat or not. The information below I found on RunScanner's website. The link is http://www.runscann... 16 Oct 2008 11:49
Virus- launches Internet Explorer
I have some kind of virus that automatically launches Internet Explorer windows. The large letters "WWW" flash at the bottom right of my screen and and IE window opens one after the other. Sometimes it is just a few. But I've had 50 or more pop up before I have to shut the machine down. Once it starts, I ha... 27 Sep 2008 15:06
I found this agent trying to reach internet through our firewall and i don't know how to deal with this issue. First neither Explorer.EXE:3:5.1 nor plain explorer.exe should reach internet, i guess. Why this program is trying to reach changing it's source port every 10 seconds. It have... 17 Sep 2008 03:12
Windows XP immediately reboots after login
PC had indicated viruses last week and tech came and cleaned it up. However, apparently there is no antivirus program installed. This week noticed appearance of Antivir08 which I thought was AV put on by tech but found out it is malware. Shortly thereafter PC cannot be booted other than safe mode because af... 31 Aug 2008 23:51
avmete.dll - Virus file - cannot remove
My virus protection software is telling me that I have a virus file at \windows\system32\avmete.dll. The virus protection software will not remove it and I can not remove it even when I boot to safe mode. The error message just says that it can not be deleted. I am running Windows XP/SP1. Can anyone point me in... 27 Dec 2007 13:25
XP - SP2
I have XP Professional and got some sort of virus or? I get a error message that states "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item". I can not open or start any programs and only get this message. I can run programs in safe mode b... 6 Jan 2008 17:16
not a valid win32 aplication Update
It appears you are infected with a virus. See if the following info provides a solution; The continuing saga...I have run every anti-virus and every anti-malware I can find in both regular and safe mode. I have also tried to downloand and install Stinger on 5 different computers (friends helped) and none of the... 9 Dec 2007 22:17
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