From: kincean via on
Archquark wrote:
>A friend who has Windows XP Home running on his machine has had several
>problems in the past week with lockups and not shutting down. He has run
>Chkdsk and no errors were found. He ran his virus checker ( Avast ) and
>again no errors were found. He used the Restore program and successfully
>restored his computer which resulted in the lockups while running from
>occurring again, but his computer will now not shutdown. He reverts to
>shutting it down manually, which I explained can cause more problems.
> I told him he should have tried the safe mode option to restart in the last
>good configuration first but at that point he had already used Restore. I
>have e-mailed him the Microsoft article:
> Is there any other things he could try?
> I will attempt to try and help him today and any constructive instruction
>would be appreciated.

Did you try to reboot by your XP boot disk?

You may find some methords to fix it in this link:

Hope it helps.

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