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Phantom LightningSand.CFD file
My system keeps getting disk errors on a file : \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\Norton\SRTSP\LightningSand.CFD (always the same index # 30) I have no idea about where that file comes from. In fact, the file is NOT there just before system shut do... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
Program Wants To Install in Russian
I want to install an upgrade to the "Light Scribe" program for my DVD but the program is in Russian and wants to install in Russian(don't speak Russian at all).I got the upgrade from HP,the program is a multilingual,but I just can't get the English version,only the Russian comes up,when I try to install it.Than... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
"Set as desttop background missing from 'right click'
Hello, I don't know what would cause it to disappear, it WAS there a few days ago, because I used it, and now it's gone. How do I restore the " set as desktop background" when I right click on a photo? Thanks to all. J T ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
windows xp profesional OEM
Hi i need to know what i need to do if my pc is broken and i need change my montherboard or all my pc with new one.. I can use my Xp again with my new pc or montherboard with same cd or i need new cd key and how do i proceed tnx ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
Automatically Log of at a Certain Time of Day
Is there a way to set up XP SP3 to log of automatically. I need to be able to have my kids' PC's log off at night at a certain time. ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
OEM and the boot-disk only on one computer?
First: The Windows XP I have is from an OEM, it came with a boot dvd since it was bought from Future Shop/Best Buy, no windows XP dvd and a key. I was reading on a web-site article that if I install too much hardware at once my system has to re-connect to microsofts web-site or call them and confirm that this ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
XP SP3 On-going crashes
I've been experiencing on-going crashes and I go to Event Viewer and it shows me that the following services failed to load or error messages came about: PSINKNC; PLFLASHJ DEVICE CONTROL SERVICE; NANO SERVICE MAIN; AVGIDS WATCHER; AKAMAI SERVICE; ADFS SERVICE;P ZUNE BUS ENUMERATOR; AVGIDS AGENT; AVGIDS DRIVER; A... 4 Feb 2010 12:20
NT Options Pack ?
does anyone know where i can download the NT 4 Options Pack AND the Microsoft or Frontpage Personal Webserver? Thanks.. ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
Microsoft Security Essentials
What is the best news group to subscribe to for Microsoft Security Essentials? I want to hear user comments and learn suggestions. Thanks ... 2 Feb 2010 17:39
Are Seagate FreeAgent HDs Just Cheaply Constructed?
Corrected Our spelling. W. eWatson wrote: I've had a 1TB FreeAgent drive for 3 months and have used it very mostly, but now as I transfer files and folders to a new machine have used it more and it's working fine. However, when I first bought it, I was surprised to find that it had 4 little plastic feet... 2 Feb 2010 17:38
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