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xp not detecting correct dhcp address
I have 2 computers that will connect wirelessly without any problems. However, the third is being a pain. As I've been sifting through options on it, I found that it is not connecting to the dhcp server (my router) at the correct ip. I can change all sorts of other option, but I am at a loss as to how to make it ... 7 Jul 2006 17:52
WAP54G firmware upgrade goes awry
Robert Coe <b...(a)1776.COM> writes: Is this a known problem? Yes, I'd say so. You just destroyed two routers. Don't feel bad, I did exactly the same thing last week. Fortunately, I got a replacement router from Linksys. If you're going to flash-upgrade, do it from a directly ethernet-cable-linked box wi... 4 Jul 2006 11:36
Possible to secure WEP?
I am using a WEP wireless modem that does not have the ability to do WPA. I have my file sharing turned off on the wireless computer (laptop) and use it in my home only. I have no interest in connecting computers together to share files, it's strictly a wireless internet connectivity setup. Is there any way t... 16 Mar 2006 18:29
"Windows was unable to find a certificate..." problem
I have had a wireless network set up between a laptop and my PC which has worked smoothly for a couple of weeks. Today when I booted up the laptop I got the message "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you into the network " on top of my sys tray icon which now has a yellow triangle and exclamation ... 8 Mar 2006 16:05
Proxim 8450/8570/8571 as wireless bridge?
I have some Proxim 8450CN WAPs that are pretty much the same as the Harmony 8570/8571's. They work great as normal access points where my wired network provides all the WAPs with a path to the building's gateway machine. Wireless users can associate with the nearest WAP and end up with Internet access. Howeve... 19 Feb 2006 16:48
NextNet wireless RSU admin interface
Does anyone know how to get to the admin interface of the NextNet wireless RSU line of modems? Here's the spec sheet: Has anyone had experience with port forwarding through this modem? ... 3 Feb 2006 10:51
Router as an Access Point?
Is it possible to use a router as an Access Point? I have 100 mbit broadband (no modem or such) one point (soccet) with 5 dynamic public IP addresses from my ISP. I want both my computers (one connected wireless to my router, the other one connected by wire) to use public IP's. As it is now I can only get it... 3 Feb 2006 12:26
Hi, How would I be able to tell, if the neighbours where accessing my wireless connection, I would assume that the connection would be slower, however is it possible to tell if someone of accessing my wireless connection, is there any free software to download which could monitor this? Regards, ... 3 Jan 2006 17:40
how do I find out my WEP code?
I have a wireless router D Link 784 its very good but I have yet to try any other wireless devices with it. My question was does it come with WEP enabled or do I have to put it on? And if so, how? ... 10 Oct 2005 22:16
Bridging with SWEEX LC000070?
We have two Sweex wireless routers, type nr. LC00070. According to the manual (see page 26) it is possible to configure these as bridge and access points simultaneously. I spent almost a whole day unsucsessfully making this happen. Did you suc... 4 Oct 2005 05:43
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