From: lucaroccasalva on 8 Mar 2007 14:45 Dear all, while performing a Place and Route of a reconfigurable project (developed followinf the Early Access User Guide ug208) the par return this error: ERROR: CLock Buffer "Inst_Clockman/CLK0_BUFG_INST" is not placed after constraint resolution. It is a requirement that all clock buffers be "located" during constraint resolution. PLease coorect this before continuing". In the UCF file I placed the following constraint: INST "Inst_Clockman" AREA_GROUP = "DCM" INST "Inst_Clockman/DCM_INST" LOC = "DCM_X0Y1"; INST "Inst_Clockman/CLK0_BUFG_INST" LOC = "BUFGMUX7"; AREA_GROUP "DCM" MODE = RECONFIG; AREA_GROUP "DCM" GROUP = CLOSED; I also tried removing the INST "Inst_Clockman/CLK0_BUFG_INST" LOC = "BUFGMUX7"; but the error remain the same. The software I am using is ISE 8.2iSP1 with PR07 and the device is a Xilinx Spartan3 xc3s400. What could I do? Thank you very much Luca
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