From: Jan Panteltje on
On a sunny day (Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:10:43 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Jan
Panteltje <panteltje(a)> wrote in

>On Jun 2, 8:55�pm, John Larkin
><jjlar...(a)> wrote:
>> Shot from our conference room:
>Taking about art, ever seen a movable bridge like this?
>Shot that one today...

Well, here then is the link:
From: John Larkin on
On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 23:34:14 -0500, "krw(a)att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
<krw(a)att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

>On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:54:28 -0700, John Larkin
><jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 22:44:30 -0500, "krw(a)att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
>><krw(a)att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 18:57:02 -0700, John Larkin
>>><jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 2 Jun 2010 15:27:30 -0700 (PDT), "langwadt(a)"
>>>><langwadt(a)> wrote:
>>>>>On 2 Jun., 20:55, John Larkin
>>>>><jjlar...(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Shot from our conference room:
>>>>>> Somebody covered the billboard across the street with plywood, and now
>>>>>> two guys are working with chisels and mallets to strip away the darker
>>>>>> surface layer and make an image.
>>>>>> We rented out one window to a time-lapse photographer, who will
>>>>>> eventually produce a video ad for the sponsor. $500 will fund a pretty
>>>>>> nice barbeque.
>>>>>> The lighthouse is part of the cafe/car wash. I don't know why they
>>>>>> need a lighthouse. Across the street is another lighthouse, part of
>>>>>> the u-store business. Goodwill, on a third corner, has sort of a
>>>>>> lighthouse too.
>>>>>> John
>>>>>why didn't they do the carving before they put it up? would be easy
>>>>>with a
>>>>>cnc router too. Not artsy enough? :)
>>>>Not artsy enough.
>>>>As far as that goes, why don't they use paint? At the rate they're
>>>>going, the BP well will be capped before this billboard is done.
>>>>>price gas here in Denmark is around twice that
>>>>Gas is too cheap in the USA. I don't generally approve of tax
>>>>increases, but a huge increase in gas tax makes a lot of sense.
>>>>Proposing it is political suicide, even for the craziest Democrats.
>>>It's a great recessive tax, though the government doesn't need any more money.
>>>It'll just go even further in debt.
>>It's not recessive.
>Sorry, "regressive".
>>The tax on every gallon would be the same.
>That's like saying a flat tax isn't "regressive" (technically it's neutral,

I learned in economics class that a progressive tax had a
greater-than-1 exponent on the cost of the thing taxed (like US income
taxes), and that a flat tax has a constant percentage (like most sales
taxes, past the 12 cent threshold), and a regressive tax had a
less-then-1 exponent (like Social Security taxes.)

Lots of people now call a tax "regressive" if it taxes everyone at the
same rate (like a sales tax, for instance) because rich people can
theoretically afford it easier than poor people. That's a transition
from mathematics to morality.

There used to be a different definition of "species", too. It used to
be scientific, now it's moral. So we have lots more species than we
used to have.

>>folk could even buy Regular and pay less tax than rich folk who buy
>>Premium. They could even buy small, high-mileage cars.
>The tax today is per gallon, not percentage. "Poor folk" often have old
>beaters, which are more often than not gas-guzzlers.
>But that doesn't alter the fact that the government spends far too much money
>now. They don't need more smack.

Tax policy influences behavior. There are bad ways to collect X
dollars and better ways to collect X dollars. Lots of our current ways
kill jobs and encourage a huge balance of payments deficit.


From: Charlie E. on
On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 09:07:44 -0700, Jim Thompson
<To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon(a)> wrote:

>On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 08:58:53 -0700, Charlie E. <edmondson(a)>
>>On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 15:04:59 -0700, Joerg <invalid(a)invalid.invalid>
>>>John Larkin wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 12:34:15 -0700, Joerg <invalid(a)invalid.invalid>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> John Larkin wrote:
>>>>>> Shot from our conference room:
>>>>>> Somebody covered the billboard across the street with plywood, and now
>>>>>> two guys are working with chisels and mallets to strip away the darker
>>>>>> surface layer and make an image.
>>>>> The guy in the left bucket must be pretty brazen. All it takes is a
>>>>> minor swipe from a car that veered off the right lane and ...
>>>>>> We rented out one window to a time-lapse photographer, who will
>>>>>> eventually produce a video ad for the sponsor. $500 will fund a pretty
>>>>>> nice barbeque.
>>>>>> The lighthouse is part of the cafe/car wash. I don't know why they
>>>>>> need a lighthouse. Across the street is another lighthouse, part of
>>>>>> the u-store business. Goodwill, on a third corner, has sort of a
>>>>>> lighthouse too.
>>>>> What happened to the palm tree in front. It doesn't look all that
>>>>> healthy. Oh, hey, gas is 6c cheaper out here :-)
>>>> They hacked the trees last week, for better photography I guess.
>>>> Gas does cost more in downtown SF than where you (or I) live. The car
>>>> wash top-end detailing job is fabulous, for about $250. It's worth it
>>>> if you're trying to sell a car.
>>>> The camera in the conference room goes SNAP! every 30 seconds. It
>>>> freaked me out at first, after hours. He's taken over 12,000 4Kx4K
>>>> images so far.
>>>> Here's the guy's site:
>>>> Check out the fog in the Big Sur flic.
>>>That is nice. We have the same happen here more inland. When our
>>>Rottweiler was younger and a big chunk of fog would come at him while in
>>>the deck he'd growl at it. Made it go away, worked every single time.
>>Fog can be a trick! When I designed the 91 Express Lanes, I built a
>>vehicle sensor that was basically two laser light curtains abount a
>>foot apart. I designed it to only distinguish vehicles going in the
>>proper direction. What I hadn't anticipated was fog. I heard that,
>>one day a few months after I was let go, they had thick fog move
>>through the pass, and recorded hundreds of phantom cars in the toll
>What? And collected no tolls ?:-)
> ...Jim Thompson

Exactly! And the customer was trying to get the contractor to pay the
tolls for all the non-existent cars... ;-)


PS: the inductive loops I insisted also be installed didn't see
anything... ;-)
From: Michael A. Terrell on

John Larkin wrote:
> Shot from our conference room:
> Somebody covered the billboard across the street with plywood, and now
> two guys are working with chisels and mallets to strip away the darker
> surface layer and make an image.
> We rented out one window to a time-lapse photographer, who will
> eventually produce a video ad for the sponsor. $500 will fund a pretty
> nice barbeque.
> The lighthouse is part of the cafe/car wash. I don't know why they
> need a lighthouse. Across the street is another lighthouse, part of
> the u-store business. Goodwill, on a third corner, has sort of a
> lighthouse too.

Art Fern? ;-)

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
From: Michael A. Terrell on

"Charlie E." wrote:
> Fog can be a trick! When I designed the 91 Express Lanes, I built a
> vehicle sensor that was basically two laser light curtains abount a
> foot apart. I designed it to only distinguish vehicles going in the
> proper direction. What I hadn't anticipated was fog. I heard that,
> one day a few months after I was let go, they had thick fog move
> through the pass, and recorded hundreds of phantom cars in the toll
> lanes!

They are too stupid to close toll roads in heavy fog?

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
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