From: Larry Struckmeyer[SBS-MVP] on

Search engines will flush out the details of how to specify the methods to
connect your programs, Outlook and OLE to the folder where you have stored
the relocated data files.

From: rahmathali82 on

Hi Larry,

will it delete the mails in the located folder like outlook and outlook



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From: Larry Struckmeyer[SBS-MVP] on
Hi Syed:

You should stop using Techwhatever and post directly to the SBS or other
MS Forums. You will need to register, but that is the point. MS will discontinue
using the public news platform soon.

Questions about how to move and connect to outlook and outlook express data
files are probably best asked in an Outlook forum. There is nothing SBS
specific about this.

In general, just open outlook or outlook express and look at the settings.
In Outlook the data files are controlled under File - Data File Management.
In Outlook Express, truthfully, I have forgotten, as it has been since I
stopped using XP that I have had OLE to play with. Try a similiar menu list,
or look under Tools.

Really, once you find the appropriate menu item, you can connect to the .pst
file (Outlook) or the .dbx files (OLE) that are anywhere you have permissions
to go. Note that in all cases these files should be on a local hard drive.

-Please post the resolution to your issue so others may benefit.

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