From: Muzza on
On Jul 8, 2:55 am, Chris H <ch...(a)> wrote:
> In message <c1a99e82-a85d-4d53-a5d1-64e334f3d...(a)q21g2000prm.googlegroup
>>, Muzza <vanlu...(a)> writes
> >On Jul 8, 2:24 am, Chris H <ch...(a)> wrote:
> >> In message <AOCdnRhkTMt56KnRnZ2dnUVZ_hedn...(a)>, Murray R..
> >> Van Luyn <REMOVE.vanlu...(a)> writes
> >> ><cbarn24...(a)> wrote in message
> >> >news:96241fde-0d12-4aee-a970-038ea36aaf9e(a)
> >> >On Jul 5, 5:19 pm, d_s_klein <d_s_kl...(a)> wrote:
> >> >> On Jul 4, 6:12 pm, "Murray R. Van Luyn" <REMOVE.vanlu...(a)>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > Hi,
> >> >> > Into 8051 derived controllers and coding with Keil C51? Save countless
> >> >> > development hours by basing your applications on my proven,
> >> >> > user-friendly
> >> >> > foundation Keil C source code modules. Find them here:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Please take advantage of the site's safe bookmarking mechanism and come
> >> >> > back
> >> >> > often. New content is currently being added on a very regular basis.
> >> >> > Regards,
> >> >> > Murray R. Van Luyn.
> >> >> There is a commercial site (pay me to download my software) at the end
> >> >> of that link - your post is the textbook definition of SPAM.
> >> >> For the rest of the world, there is better software out there FOR
> >> >> FREE!
> >> >> RK
> >> >Very true, I had a quick look at the serial module and it's joke code..
> >> >Has no value whatever.
> >> >Isn't it odd that such empty criticism always comes from anonymous, with no
> >> >worthy contribution of their own?
> >> >Okay cbarn24050, please feel free to impress us all with your own
> >> >significant and worthwhile contributions to the embedded community.
> >> >Can't do it? Why ever not, I wonder?
> >> >Regards,
> >> >Murray R. Van Luyn.
> >> I second the criticisms made by Cbarn and RK.
> >> There is far better C51 software available for free.  I would also
> >> suggest that you are a novice at embedded code.
> >> Further I think you really should (and very quickly) remove most of your
> >> web site before people see it. You are probably in a LOT more trouble
> >> than you realise.
> >> Regards
> >>   Chris
> >And how am I in trouble according to you this time, Chris?
> >Regards,
> >Murray R. Van Luyn.
> Apart from the appalling code do you have permission to use the Kiel
> logo?
> --
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> \/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills  Staffs  England     /\/\/\/\/
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

More psychic code commentary. How about I give you Reinhart's e-mail
address, and you can indulge your child-like desires to intimidate by
telling on me to him?

Murray R. Van Luyn.
From: Walter Banks on

Muzza wrote:

> More psychic code commentary. How about I give you Reinhart's e-mail
> address, and you can indulge your child-like desires to intimidate by
> telling on me to him?

What is your connection to Keil?

From: Muzza on
On Jul 8, 5:27 am, Walter Banks <wal...(a)> wrote:
> Muzza wrote:
> > More psychic code commentary. How about I give you Reinhart's e-mail
> > address, and you can indulge your child-like desires to intimidate by
> > telling on me to him?
> What is your connection to Keil?

Hi Walter,

I just write and distribute C source code suited to their compiler

Murray R. Van Luyn.
From: Hans-Bernhard Bröker on
Am 07.07.2010 20:51, schrieb Muzza:
> On Jul 8, 1:45 am, Bob<SkiBoy...(a)> wrote:
>> Murray R. Van Luyn wrote:

>>> Isn't it odd that such empty criticism always comes from anonymous

No odder than you suddenly deciding to change your own name from "Murray
R. Van Luyn" to "Muzza" in the middle of a thread.

>>> , with no worthy contribution of their own?

You'll have to excuse us not taking your word for that.

> Bob. I have merely requested an
> apparently psychic critic, of code that he has not seen,

So let's see: _you_ claim to know what somebody who you emphasize never
having heard of before, has or has not seen, and in the same sentence
accuse _them_ of being "apparently psychic". Now that's rich. Oh, and
a great way to destroy any credibility you might have had left, too.

> No, I am on very solid ground to defend against all accusations of
> being a spammer, Bob.

In your dreams. Whether you consider that PayPal contribution a "very
affordable investment" or a "token" doesn't matter in the least. It
makes your website a commercial one, and unsolicited advertising for it
From: Muzza on
On Jul 8, 5:37 am, Hans-Bernhard Bröker <HBBroe...(a)> wrote:
> Am 07.07.2010 20:51, schrieb Muzza:
> > On Jul 8, 1:45 am, Bob<SkiBoy...(a)>  wrote:
> >> Murray R. Van Luyn wrote:
> >>> Isn't it odd that such empty criticism always comes from anonymous
> No odder than you suddenly deciding to change your own name from "Murray
> R. Van Luyn" to "Muzza" in the middle of a thread.
> >>> , with no worthy contribution of their own?
> You'll have to excuse us not taking your word for that.
> > Bob. I have merely requested an
> > apparently psychic critic, of code that he has not seen,
> So let's see: _you_ claim to know what somebody who you emphasize never
> having heard of before, has or has not seen, and in the same sentence
> accuse _them_ of being "apparently psychic".   Now that's rich.  Oh, and
> a great way to destroy any credibility you might have had left, too.
> > No, I am on very solid ground to defend against all accusations of
> > being a spammer, Bob.
> In your dreams.  Whether you consider that PayPal contribution a "very
> affordable investment" or a "token" doesn't matter in the least.  It
> makes your website a commercial one, and unsolicited advertising for it
> spam.


Thank you for your thoughts, Hans-Bernhard.

> No odder than you suddenly deciding to change your own name from "Murray
> R. Van Luyn" to "Muzza" in the middle of a thread.

I think you might need to read the thread again, Hans. I don't seem to
remember doing what you have suggested.

> So let's see: _you_ claim to know what somebody who you emphasize never
> having heard of before, has or has not seen, and in the same sentence
> accuse _them_ of being "apparently psychic". Now that's rich. Oh, and
> a great way to destroy any credibility you might have had left, too. might need to make that a little simpler for me to
understand, Hans. I really don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I've
read it a few times, and yet I can't seem to get a clear grip on your

> In your dreams. Whether you consider that PayPal contribution a "very
> affordable investment" or a "token" doesn't matter in the least. It
> makes your website a commercial one, and unsolicited advertising for it
> spam.

Okay, you're in the 'all software is my free right' camp then, I see.
You're entitled to your view that news of my benevolent contribution
is spam then, be it a mis-informed and perverse misperception, or
otherwise. I'm sorry that my efforts to best serve the embedded
community seem to offend you so deeply.

Murray R. Van Luyn.

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