From: WM on
On 10 Dez., 15:40, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:

> Have a look at <> in the section
> titled "Special case: dicrete metric".  An example is given with the
> sequence {0}, {1}, {0}, {1}, ...
> where lim sup is {0, 1} and lim inf is {}.
> Moreover, in what way can a definition be invalid?

It can be nonsense like the definition: Let N be the set of all
natural numbers.

Regards, WM
From: Dik T. Winter on
In article <69368271-d841-4c3e-9f73-57259312f585(a)> WM <mueckenh(a)> writes:
> On 8 Dez., 15:22, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> > > I said you can take it from the shelf. It is not defined as a limit
> > > (if you like so) although amazingly omega is called a limit ordinal.
> > Yes, it is called a limit ordinal because by definition each ordinal that
> > has no predecessor is called a limit ordinal (that is the definition of
> > the term "limit ordinal"). It has in itself nothing to do with limits.
> No, that is not the reason. The reason is that omega is a limit
> without axiom of infinity, and omega is older than that axiom.

Without the axiom of infinity omega would not be immediately existing.
So apparently there is a definition of omega without the axiom of infinity.
Can you state that definition?

> > > N is a concept of mathematics. That's enough.
> >
> > Yes, and it is a concept of mathematics because it is defined within
> > mathematics, and it is not defined as a limit.
> It is a concept of mathematics without any being defined.

There are no concepts of mathematics without definitions.

> > > The infinite union is a limit.
> >
> > I do not think you have looked at the definition of an infinite union, if
> > you had done so you would find that (in your words) such a union is found
> > on the shelf and does not involve limits. Try to start doing mathematics
> > and rid yourself of the idea that an infinite union is a limit.
> An infinite union *is* not at all. But if it were, it was a limit.

It *is* according to one of the axioms of ZF, and as such it is not a limit.

> > > Why did you argue that limits of
> > > cardinality and sets are different, if there are no limits at all?
> >
> > I have explicitly defined the limit of a sequence of sets. With that
> > definition (and the common definition of limits of sequences of natural
> > numbers) I found that the cardinality of the limit is not necessarily
> > equal to the limit of the cardinalities.
> That means that you are wrong.

Where? Why do you think taking a limit and taking cardinality should
commute? Should also the limit of te sequence of integral of functions
be equal to the integral of the limit of a sequence of fuctions?
dik t. winter, cwi, science park 123, 1098 xg amsterdam, nederland, +31205924131
home: bovenover 215, 1025 jn amsterdam, nederland;
From: Dik T. Winter on
In article <9f4850a5-268c-4b3d-a84b-34713cfaedd7(a)> WM <mueckenh(a)> writes:
> On 8 Dez., 16:13, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> > > Nevertheless it is a limit ordinal.
> >
> > Yes, that does not mean that necessarily a limit is involved. It is a
> > limit in the sense that you do not get there by continuously getting at
> > the successor, in that case it is a limiting process. But when you define
> > N as an infinite union you do *not* go there by continuously getting at
> > a successor. The union of a collection (finite, countably infinite or
> > some other infinity) is defined whithout resorting to successor
> > operations.
> > Moreover, they would even not make sens if the collection is infinite but
> > not countably infinite.
> That does not make sense in either respect, so or so.

That is not more than opinion.

> > > As a starting point, we use the fact hat each natural number is
> > > identified with the set of all smaller natural numbers: n =3D {m in N :
> > > m < n}.
> >
> > Note that here N is apparently already defined, without using a limit.
> Natural numbers can be defined without using a set.

Yes, but the set of natural numbers (N) can *not* be defined without using a

> > > Thus we let w, the least transfinite number, to be the set N
> > > of all natural numbers: w = N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
> > > It is easy to continue the process after this 'limit' step is made:
> > > The operation of successor can be used to produce numbers following w
> > > in the same way we used it to produce numbers following 0.
> >
> > Yes. So what? That you can define things using a limit does *not*
> > imply that it is necessarily defined as a limit.
> O I see. That's like cardinality. The limit cardinality is not the
> cardinality of the limit (because the limit is not a limit).

Sorry, there are many definitions of pi, some use a limit, others do not
use a limit. At least, that is the case in mathematics. But I know you
prefer to use things without any definition at all.
dik t. winter, cwi, science park 123, 1098 xg amsterdam, nederland, +31205924131
home: bovenover 215, 1025 jn amsterdam, nederland;
From: Dik T. Winter on
In article <fd82ac52-8f71-4930-8f8e-415187ae832b(a)> WM <mueckenh(a)> writes:
> On 8 Dez., 16:07, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> > > You have seen the axiom of infinity. It say that an infinite set
> > > exists and that implies that infinitely many elements of that set
> > > exist. That is actual infinity.
> >
> > Oh, so actual infinity means that a set with infinitely many elements
> > exists?
> Yes.
> > In that case you should reject the axiom of infinity. You are allowed
> > to do that, and you will get different mathematics. But you can not
> > claim that mathematics with the axiom of infinity is nonsense just
> > because you do not like it. But go ahead without the axiom of infinity,
> > I think you have to redo quite a bit of mathematics.
> Before 1908 there was quite a lot of mathematics possible.

Yes, and since than quite a lot of newer mathematics has been made available.
Moreover, before 1908 mathematicians did use concepts without actually
defining them, which is not so very good in my opinion.

> > > The definition of an actually infinite set is given in set theory by
> > > the axiom of infinity.
> >
> > You are wrong, the axiom of infinity says nothing about "actually
> > infinite set". Actually the axiom of infinity does not define anything.
> > It just states that a particular set with a particular property does
> > exist.
> That is just the definition of actual infinity.

I see no definition, so what *is* the definition?

> > > The definition of a potentially infinite set is given by
> > > 1 in N
> > > n in N then n+1 in N.
> >
> > That does not make sense. Without the axiom of infinity the set N does
> > not necessarily exist, so stating 1 in N is wrong unless you can prove
> > that N does exist or have some other means to have the existence of N,
> > but that would be equivalent to the axiom of infinity.
> N need not exist as a set. If n is a natural number, then n + 1 is a
> natural numbers too. Why should sets be needed?

Ok, so N is not a set. What is it?

> > > The complete infinite binary tree can be constructed using countably
> > > many finite paths (each one connecting a node to the root node), such
> > > that every node is there and no node is missing and every finite path
> > > is there and no finite path is missing.
> >
> > Right.
> >
> > > Nevertheless set theory says that there is something missing in a tree
> > > thus constructed. What do you think is missing? (If nothing is
> > > missing, there are only countably many paths.)
> >
> > And here again you are wrong. There are countably many finite paths.
> > There are not countably many infinite paths, and although you have tried
> > many times you never did show that there were countably many infinite
> > paths.
> There is not even one single infinite path!

Eh? So there are no infinite paths in that tree?

> But there is every path
> which you believe to be an infinite path!! Which one is missing in
> your opinion? Do you see that 1/3 is there?

If there are no infinite paths in that tree, 1/3 is not in that tree.
Otherwise 1/3 would be a rational with a denominator that is a power of
2 (each finite path defines such a number).

> What node of pi is missing in the tree constructed by a countable
> number of finite paths (not even as a limit but by the axiom of
> infinity)?

By the axiom of infinity there *are* infinite paths in that tree. So your
statement that there are none is a direct contradiction of the axiom of
dik t. winter, cwi, science park 123, 1098 xg amsterdam, nederland, +31205924131
home: bovenover 215, 1025 jn amsterdam, nederland;
From: WM on
On 10 Dez., 16:29, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:

> Without the axiom of infinity omega would not be immediately existing.
> So apparently there is a definition of omega without the axiom of infinity.
> Can you state that definition?

Look into Cantor's papers. Look into my book.
> There are no concepts of mathematics without definitions.

So? What is a set?

>  > An infinite union *is* not at all. But if it were, it was a limit.
> It *is* according to one of the axioms of ZF, and as such it is not a limit.

It *was* according to Cantor, without any axioms.

> Where?  Why do you think taking a limit and taking cardinality should
> commute?  Should also the limit of te sequence of integral of functions
> be equal to the integral of the limit of a sequence of fuctions?

If an infinite set exists as a limit, then it has gotten from the
finite to the infinite one by one element. During this process there
is no chance for any divergence between this set-function and its

Regards, WM