From: Dik T. Winter on
In article <5ZedndTmvoBac7zWnZ2dnUVZ_qOdnZ2d(a)> "K_h" <KHolmes(a)> writes:
> "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Winter(a)> wrote in message
> news:KuFy3L.Cxt(a)
> > Have a look at <> in
> > the section
> > titled "Special case: dicrete metric". An example is
> > given with the
> > sequence {0}, {1}, {0}, {1}, ...
> > where lim sup is {0, 1} and lim inf is {}.
> >
> > Moreover, in what way can a definition be invalid?
> It depends on the context. When it comes to supertasks,
> limsup={0,1} is basically useless. That is why those
> definitions are not good, and invalid, for evaluating
> supertasks -- in response to WM's supertask issues.

I am not discussing supertasks, nor is WM here. The question is simply
whether it is possible that:
lim | S_n | != | lim S_n |
with some form of limit. And by the definitions I gave (and which you
also will find on the wikipedia page above):
lim(n -> oo) {n} = {}
dik t. winter, cwi, science park 123, 1098 xg amsterdam, nederland, +31205924131
home: bovenover 215, 1025 jn amsterdam, nederland;
From: WM on
On 11 Dez., 03:28, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> In article <89fb6e91-b6b1-4926-afca-820492e3c...(a)> WM <mueck...(a)> writes:
>  > On 10 Dez., 15:40, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
>  >
>  > > Have a look at <> in the section
>  > > titled "Special case: dicrete metric". =A0An example is given with the
>  > > sequence {0}, {1}, {0}, {1}, ...
>  > > where lim sup is {0, 1} and lim inf is {}.
>  > >
>  > > Moreover, in what way can a definition be invalid?
>  >
>  > It can be nonsense like the definition: Let N be the set of all
>  > natural numbers.
> In what way is it nonsense?  Either that set does exist or it does not exist.
> If it does exist there is indeed such a set, if it does not exist there is
> no set satisfying the definition.  In both cases the definition is not
> nonsense in itself.

It is nonsense to define a pink unicorn. The set N does not exist as
the union of its finite initial segments. This is shown by the (not
existing) path 0.000... in the binary tree.

Let {1} U {1, 2} U {1, 2, 3} U ... = {1, 2, 3, ...}.
What then is
{1} U {1, 2} U {1, 2, 3} U ... U {1, 2, 3, ...} ?
If it is the same, then wie have a stop in transfinite counting.
If it is not the same, what is it?
> But apparently you are of the opinion that you are only allowed to define
> things that do exist.

Most essential things in mathematics exist without definitions and,
above all, without axioms.

Regards, WM
From: WM on
On 11 Dez., 03:40, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> In article <5333fb9a-1670-4fcc-85d3-25e75fb5b...(a)> WM <mueck...(a)> writes:
>  > On 10 Dez., 16:29, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
>  >
>  > > Without the axiom of infinity omega would not be immediately existing.
>  > > So apparently there is a definition of omega without the axiom of
>  > > infinity.
>  > > Can you state that definition?
>  >
>  > Look into Cantor's papers. Look into my book.
> I have never seen there a proper definition of omega.
I knew you did not read it.

Look at p. 93. There the natural numbers are constructed.
On p. 86 all ordinals till eps^eps^eps^... are given. On p. 90 you see
the axiom of infinity 7.

>  > > There are no concepts of mathematics without definitions.
>  >
>  > So? What is a set?
> Something that satisfies the axioms of ZF for instance.

Is that a definition?

But in case you shouldn't have been able to find a definition of
actual infinity, here is more than that: omega + 1.

>  > If an infinite set exists as a limit, then it has gotten from the
>  > finite to the infinite one by one element. During this process there
>  > is no chance for any divergence between this set-function and its
>  > cardinality.
> If a function exists as a limit, then it has gotten from the finite to
> the infinite one by one step.  During this process there is no chance
> of any divergence between the function and the integral.
> Now, what is wrong with that reasoning?
> Stronger:
>    lim(n -> oo) 1/n = 0
>    1/n > 0

I do not understand. Do you see a gap here?
> If a number exists as a limit, then it has gotten from the finite to the
> infinite one by one step.  During this process there is no chance of any
> divergence between the element and the inequality.
> What is wrong with that reasoning?
> You are assuming that taking a limit is a final step in a sequence of steps.
> In the definition I gave for the limit of a sequence of sets there is no
> final step.

I did not say that there is a final step. I say that there is no
chance for a difference of lim card(S_n) and card(lim(S_n)) where lim
means n --> oo.

If, in your example you would claim that lim(1/n) = 0 and and 1/omega
= 10, I would not accept such behaviour as mathematics (like your
funny Sum n = 0 or Euler's -1/12).

Regards, WM
From: WM on
On 11 Dez., 03:50, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
> In article <fec95b83-39c5-4537-8cf7-b426b1779...(a)> WM <mueck...(a)> writes:
>  > On 10 Dez., 16:35, "Dik T. Winter" <Dik.Win...(a)> wrote:
>  > >  > Before 1908 there was quite a lot of mathematics possible.
>  > >
>  > > Yes, and since than quite a lot of newer mathematics has been made
>  > > available.
>  >
>  > Most of it being rubbish.
> Nothing more than opinion while you have no idea what has been done in
> mathematics since 1908.  Algebraic number theory is rubbish?

The answer is an explicit no. "Most" here concerns the magnitude of
numbers involved. There was much ado about inaccessible cardinals.
>  > > Moreover, before 1908 mathematicians did use concepts without actually
>  > > defining them, which is not so very good in my opinion.
>  >
>  > Cantor gave a definition of set. What is the present definition?
> Something that satisfies the axioms of ZF (when you are working within ZF).
> It is similar to the concepts of group, ring and field.  Something that
> satisfies those axioms is such a thing.  But I think you find all those
> things rubbish.

Why that? Group, ring and field are treated in my lessons.

>  > >  > There is not even one single infinite path!
>  > >
>  > > Eh?  So there are no infinite paths in that tree?
>  >
>  > In fact no, but every path that you believe in is also in the tree,
>  > i.e., you will not be able to miss a path in the tree.
> I believe in infinite paths, you state they are not in the tree.  So we
> have a direct contradiction to your assertion.

You believe in infinite paths. But you cannot name any digit that
underpins your belief. Every digit that you name belongs to a finite
path. Every digit that is on the diagonal of Canbtor's list is a
member of a finite initial segment of a real number.

You can only argue about such digits. And all of them (in form of
bits) are present in my binary tree.
>  > >  >                                   But there is every path
>  > >  > which you believe to be an infinite path!! Which one is missing in
>  > >  > your opinion? Do you see that 1/3 is there?
>  > >
>  > > If there are no infinite paths in that tree, 1/3 is not in that tree.
>  >
>  > 1/3 does not exist as a path. But everything you can ask for will be
>  > found in the tree.
>  > Everything of that kind is in the tree.
> This makes no sense.  Every path in the tree (if all paths are finite) is
> a rational with a power of 2 as the denominator.  So 1/3 does not exist
> as a path.  In what way does it exist in the tree?

It exists in that fundamentally arithmetical way: You can find every
bit of it in my binary tree constructed from finite paths only. You
will fail to point to a digit of 1/3 that is missing in my tree.
Therefore I claim that every number that exists is in the tree.

>  > > Otherwise 1/3 would be a rational with a denominator that is a power of
>  > > 2 (each finite path defines such a number).
>  > >
>  > >  > What node of pi is missing in the tree constructed by a countable
>  > >  > number of finite paths (not even as a limit but by the axiom of
>  > >  > infinity)?
>  > >
>  > > By the axiom of infinity there *are* infinite paths in that tree.  So your
>  > > statement that there are none is a direct contradiction of the axiom of
>  > > infinity.
>  >
>  > Try to find something that exists in your opinion but that does not
>  > exist in the tree that I constructed.
> In what way do numbers like 1/3 exist in your tree?  Not as a path, apparently,
> but as something else.

Isn't a path a sequence of nodes, is it? Everey node of 1/3 (that you
can prove to belong to 1/3) is in the tree.

>  Similar for 'pi' and 'e'.

Yes. Every digit is available on request.

> So when you state that
> the number of paths is countable that does not mean that the number of real
> numbers is countable because there are apparently real numbers in your tree
> without being a path.

Wrong. Not only "apparantly" but provably (on request): Every digit of
every real number that can be shown to exist exists in the tree.

Or would you say that a number, every existing digit of which can be
shown to exist in the tree too, is not in the tree as a path?

Regards, WM
From: WM on
On 11 Dez., 08:03, "K_h" <KHol...(a)> wrote:

> It depends on the context.  When it comes to supertasks,
> limsup={0,1} is basically useless.  That is why those
> definitions are not good, and invalid, for evaluating
> supertasks -- in response to WM's supertask issues.

Why do you think that the supertask of uniting all natural numbers is
not invalid?

Regards, WM