From: BillW50 on
In news:hl1oc8$p0s$1(a),
the wharf rat typed on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 20:12:56 +0000 (UTC):
> In article <slrnhn8j2c.f70.SDA(a)>,
> S. Fishpaste <marathon.durandal(a)> wrote:
>> No they haven't. Most UNIX administrators know how to lock down a
>> box. Most exploits come from enabled web services.
> Rootkits are rare in a Unix environment as an entry point. You
> do seem them sometimes as a followup to another exploit. A typical
> scenario is that a poorly coded web application allows a command line
> to be executed as the web user, and that's exploited to yield root
> permissions which are in turn used to install other applications which
> may include "rootkits".
> Root exploits in general are pretty rare in Unix. Most programs run
> as a non root user so exploiting them doesn't get you root. There
> are a few that pop up now and then... It's a fundamentally more
> secure environment because of its simplicity.

I've never written a rootkit. But from what I understand, they wait
until one user logs in with root (administrative) control. Now they are
free to install and do anything they want too since they have full

So to stop a rootkit, no user can use root level access. Well sounds
good on paper, but you can't install any applications or anything
without root access control.

>> The issue is between the chair and the keyboard Bill.
> Yup. I use Xine on an old AMD box to play movies while I do other
> stuff. Works fine.

I use an old Toshiba 2595XDVD ('99 era) running Windows 98 with a 400MHz
Celeron with only 64GB of RAM to watch DVD movies on. Can Xine do this
on the same machine?

Gateway M465e ('06 era) - Windows XP SP3

From: the wharf rat on
In article <hl1q40$4rs$1(a)>,
BillW50 <BillW50(a)aol.kom> wrote:
>I've never written a rootkit. But from what I understand, they wait
>until one user logs in with root (administrative) control. Now they are
>free to install and do anything they want too since they have full

It doesn't work that way.

>I use an old Toshiba 2595XDVD ('99 era) running Windows 98 with a 400MHz

Doesn't that thing have a hardware mpeg processor, the add on board
that's under the bottom of the keyboard...

From: the wharf rat on
In article <hl1tdg$3ni$1(a)>,
BillW50 <BillW50(a)aol.kom> wrote:
>> No they haven't. Most UNIX administrators know how to lock down a box.
>> Most exploits come from enabled web services.
>Really? That isn't what I hear from Google searches. So how does most
How do you think linux exploits happen?

>For starters, I have been here for many years helping laptop users to

One of my first laptops had Solaris. It was a tadpole, Still have it.

From: BillW50 on
In news:hl21av$qg6$1(a),
the wharf rat typed on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 22:45:51 +0000 (UTC):
> In article <hl1q40$4rs$1(a)>,
> BillW50 <BillW50(a)aol.kom> wrote:
>> I've never written a rootkit. But from what I understand, they wait
>> until one user logs in with root (administrative) control. Now they
>> are free to install and do anything they want too since they have
>> full control.
> It doesn't work that way.

Really? Tell us how rootkits really works then.

>> I use an old Toshiba 2595XDVD ('99 era) running Windows 98 with a
>> 400MHz
> Doesn't that thing have a hardware mpeg processor, the add on board
> that's under the bottom of the keyboard...

Nope, I don't think so. As a 400MHz Celeron is the lowest that you can
go to get decent DVD playback from all I know under Windows. My
experience with Linux, you need three or more times the processor power
for the same.

Gateway M465e ('06 era) - Windows XP SP3

From: BillW50 on
In news:hl1q40$4rs$1(a),
BillW50 typed on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:42:38 -0600:
> I use an old Toshiba 2595XDVD ('99 era) running Windows 98 with a
> 400MHz Celeron with only 64GB of RAM to watch DVD movies on. Can Xine
> do this on the same machine?

I mean 64MB of RAM. 64GB of RAM I wish. lol

Gateway M465e ('06 era) - Windows XP SP3