From: Jared on
On Jun 8, 8:56 pm, "Androcles" <Headmas...(a)Hogwarts.physics_z> wrote:
> "Matthew L Martin" <mlmar...(a)> wrote in messagenews:MxBPn.46329$Ak3.34835(a)newsfe16.iad...
> | On 6/7/2010 9:09 PM, David DeLaney wrote:
> | > George Hammond<Nowhe...(a)>  wrote:
> | >>
> | >> 1.  The Body starts as a single cell (the egg).
> | >
> | > ... ... If you have an egg inside your nut shell, SOMETHING has gone
> seriously
> | > wrong somewhere. I'm just sayin'.
> |
> | That would be the result of doing it backwards?
> |
> | Matthew
> Oh jeez... a conundrum for a 6-year old: Which came first, the chicken or
> the egg?
> I'm just sayin'...

I think it was the egg. Because at some point two creatures which
weren't quite chickens produced the first true chicken. And that
chicken came from an egg. Which may or may not have been a true
chicken egg, depending on how you look at it, but clearly it was an
egg and preceded the chicken.

So the true conundrum is whether the egg that the first chicken came
from was a chicken egg.

From: Androcles on

"Jared" <jared4326(a)> wrote in message
On Jun 8, 8:56 pm, "Androcles" <Headmas...(a)Hogwarts.physics_z> wrote:
> "Matthew L Martin" <mlmar...(a)> wrote in
> messagenews:MxBPn.46329$Ak3.34835(a)newsfe16.iad...
> | On 6/7/2010 9:09 PM, David DeLaney wrote:
> | > George Hammond<Nowhe...(a)> wrote:
> | >>
> | >> 1. The Body starts as a single cell (the egg).
> | >
> | > ... ... If you have an egg inside your nut shell, SOMETHING has gone
> seriously
> | > wrong somewhere. I'm just sayin'.
> |
> | That would be the result of doing it backwards?
> |
> | Matthew
> Oh jeez... a conundrum for a 6-year old: Which came first, the chicken or
> the egg?
> I'm just sayin'...

I think it was the egg. Because at some point two creatures which
weren't quite chickens produced the first true chicken. And that
chicken came from an egg. Which may or may not have been a true
chicken egg, depending on how you look at it, but clearly it was an
egg and preceded the chicken.

So the true conundrum is whether the egg that the first chicken came
from was a chicken egg.

Which came first, meiosis or mitosis?

From: David DeLaney on
Androcles <Headmaster(a)Hogwarts.physics_z> wrote:
>Which came first, meiosis or mitosis?

Meiosis. Alphabetically. Duh.

\/David DeLaney posting from dbd(a) "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
From: pete on
Jared wrote:
> So the true conundrum is whether the egg that the first chicken came
> from was a chicken egg.

The answer is "yes".

If you're buying fertile chicken eggs,
the purpose is to hatch a chicken.

Consider the chicken type known as "Red Star".

If you're buying Red Star chicken eggs,
the pupose is to hatch a Red Star chicken.

Red Stars are a hybrid of two other breeds.
The special thing about Red Stars,
is that you can distinguish a hen from a rooster as soon as they hatch,
which enables you to kill the roosters immediately
so that you don't waste feed on them.

If you breed a Red Star Hen with a Red Star rooster,
then you can't sell those eggs as Red Star eggs
because they will hatch into something else besides Red Star chickens.

From: Jared on
On Jun 12, 5:21 pm, d...(a) (David DeLaney) wrote:
> Androcles <Headmas...(a)Hogwarts.physics_z> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Which came first, meiosis or mitosis?
> Meiosis. Alphabetically. Duh.

Mitosis was discovered first.