Dual factories Now, say for instance I have a class like this: class foo { public: virtual bool check() = 0; } template<class T, class U> class foo_impl : public foo { virtual bool check() { } } Now, i want to instantiate foo in two phases, first when i know what type T is, and then again when i know... 26 Jan 2010 17:46
U++ 1952 released Website: http://www.ultimatepp.org Download: http://code.google.com/p/upp-mirror/downloads/list U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development suite focused on programmers productivity without sacrificing runtime performance. What is new in version 1952: TheIDE: * Improved installatio... 26 Jan 2010 05:26
C++ GUI I wanted to know if C++ has its own library for GUI (Buttons, Labels, TxtFields....) or do you have to use QT, wxwidgets? -- [ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ] [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ] ... 27 Jan 2010 11:27
Announce: Interval Template Library (itl): Generic interval containers. Hi, I have developed a library of interval containers called Interval Template Library (ITL). The library, initially developed in an software industrial context, was proposed at the boost developer's list in May 2008, refined according to boost standards, presented at boostcon09 and submitted for a formal revi... 18 Jan 2010 13:07
[c++0x] Lambdas and overloading Is it possible to overload a method M in such a way that the variant is chosen based on the number of lambda parameters? For example: struct S { template <typename T> void M(... }; S s; s.M([](double v) { return v; }); // Variant #1 s.M([](double v, int x, int y) { return v... 18 Jan 2010 10:50
"Scoping" variables the middle of their "natural" scope - RAII - is it a good practice? ManicQin wrote: Thank you guys, About the first example I gave, it wasn't an example for RAII , I just tried to explain what do I mean in re-scoping. But take Ronald's example: ScopedLocks. If I un-intentionally delete the scopes ("{}") I can harm the logical flow of the system, suddenly the m... 18 Jan 2010 09:43
"Scoping" variables the middle of their "natural" scope - RAII - is it a good practice? Thank you guys, About the first example I gave, it wasn't an example for RAII , I just tried to explain what do I mean in re-scoping. But take Ronald's example: ScopedLocks. If I un-intentionally delete the scopes ("{}") I can harm the logical flow of the system, suddenly the mutex applies to the entire scope ... 17 Jan 2010 15:01
"Scoping" variables the middle of their "natural" scope - RAII - is it a good practice? ManicQin wrote: In my job I find many times the next "pattern" void foo() { //some code { //"re-scoping" char sTmp[256] = ""; //some code } //some code } sometimes the "re-scoping" was made to keep sTmp in his reservation and some... 17 Jan 2010 09:25
"Scoping" variables the middle of their "natural" scope - RAII - is it a good practice? On 16 jan, 19:25, ManicQin <manic...(a)gmail.com> wrote: When looking on projects and examples in the internet I find more and more "scoped" classes (RAII), ScopeGuard, ScopedTimer, ScopedBarrierEnd ,ScopedForking , auto_ptr (and his many friends) and the list is long... Now, when dropping the "re-sco... 18 Jan 2010 13:07
"Scoping" variables the middle of their "natural" scope - RAII - is it a good practice? ManicQin wrote: Hello everybody, Let me explain what I mean, In my job I find many times the next "pattern" void foo() { //some code { //"re-scoping" char sTmp[256] = ""; //some code } //some code } sometimes the "re-scopin... 17 Jan 2010 09:25 |